676.01   Definitions; Junk Carts; Scope of Provisions
676.02   License Required; Display
676.03   License Application
676.04   License Fees
676.05   Sales Restricted
676.06   Dealers in Scrap Iron, Metal, and Waste Materials to Keep Record of Transactions
676.061   Duties With Respect to Special Purchase Articles
676.062   Electronic Recording of Identification
676.063   Exempt Transactions
676.064   Scrap Metal Dealers to Electronically Submit to the Division of Police the Records of Transactions Required to be Kept
676.07   Secondhand Dealer’s License Fee
676.08   Duty of Dealer in Secondhand Articles; Identification Required from Seller; Records
676.09   Plastic Crates or Trays Used to Carry Milk or Baked Goods
676.10   Secondhand Dealer’s Minimum Holding Period – Repealed
676.11   Peddlers of Old Clothes; Further Limitations on Secondhand Dealers – Repealed
676.12   License Revocation: Appeals
676.13   Screening of Junk Yards
676.14   Responsibility of the Licensee
676.15   Violations
676.99   Penalties
   Pawnbrokers, CO Ch. 681
Statutory reference:
   Dealing with minors; hours regulated, RC 4737.03
   Goods improperly marked as sterling, coin silver, RC 1329.26, 1329.27
   Power to regulate, RC 715.61
   Record of transactions required, RC 4737.01, 4737.02
   Secondhand dealers, RC Ch. 4737
   State licensing and required fencing of junk yards, RC 4737.05 et seq.