§ 676.064 Scrap Metal Dealers to Electronically Submit to the Division of Police the Records of Transactions Required to be Kept
   Findings. This Council finds that the only practicable way to review the large volume of records required to be kept by scrap metal dealers both by RC Chapter 4737 and this chapter is in an electronic format. The requirement imposed upon scrap metal dealers by this section that they submit reports of their transactions to the Division of Police in an electronic format is complimentary to the requirement of recordkeeping already imposed by state law and furthers the same law enforcement purposes as the recordkeeping requirements.
   (a)   No scrap metal dealer shall fail to submit to the Division of Police each day the records of transactions required to be kept under Sections 676.06, 676.061, 676.062 and 676.063 utilizing a computer program to be provided by the Division of Police for use by scrap metal dealers and accessible to them via the internet.
   (b)   The Director of Public Safety may issue rules and regulations to effectuate the electronic reporting requirement imposed by this section, which shall take effect fourteen (14) days after their publication in the City Record.
(Ord. No. 329-11. Passed 4-25-11, eff. 4-29-11)
   Note: Pursuant to Section 5 of Ord. No. 329-11, the electronic reporting requirements imposed upon scrap metal dealers by this section shall take effect 120 days after the passage of the ordinance.