§ 670.02 Application Forms; Availability; Contents
   The Director of Public Safety shall make application forms available to any person who requests to be commissioned as an armed security guard.
   The application form shall require the applicant to provide his or her full name, current residence, previous residences within the five (5) year period preceding the date of the application, age, place of birth, citizenship, current employment, and previous employment within the five (5) year period preceding the date of the application.
   In addition, the application shall include all of the questions contained in divisions (g) and (h) of Section 670.03, and may include other questions that the Director determines to be administratively helpful in determining whether the applicant is qualified to be commissioned under this chapter.
   The application form shall also require the submission of at least two (2) references to the good character and integrity of the applicant, which may not be a family member or the applicant’s current employer.
   The applicant shall swear or affirm before a notary public that the information contained in the application is true.
   If the applicant provides incomplete or untruthful information in connection with the application for a commission, it shall be grounds for denial of the commission.
(Ord. No. 171-04. Passed 2-2-04, eff. 2-4-04)
   Note: Former Section 670.02 was repealed by Ord. No. 1235-03, passed 12-15-03, eff. 12-22-03.