§ 523.25 Interconnection Service for Distributed Generation
   (a)   Applicability. Interconnection shall be available to residential and non-residential customers who purchase their requirements of electric service from the Division under the applicable rate schedule and own and operate distributed generation located on the customer’s premises. The total rated capacity of such generators shall not exceed one thousand (1,000) kW per customer premises.
   (b)   Definitions.
      (1)   “Distributed generation” is electrical generation located on the customer’s premises that:
         A.   Is primarily intended to offset part or all of the customer’s own electrical requirements on the premises;
         B.   Is interconnected with the Division’s electric system in compliance with the terms of division (c) of this section; and
         C.   Operates in parallel with the Division’s distribution system.
   (c)   Interconnection. No customer shall connect distributed generation to the Division’s distribution system except upon the Division’s approval of a written application in a form prescribed by the Division. The customer shall be responsible for the permitting, design, installation, operation, and maintenance of the distributed generation; the costs of any necessary modification of the Division’s facilities; and payment of the Division’s cost to review the application and perform any necessary studies. The distributed generation shall comply with all applicable safety, power quality, and interconnection requirements established by the National Electric Code (“NEC”), the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (“IEEE”), Underwriters Laboratories (“UL”), and any applicable local and state agencies.
   The Division shall have the right to approve the type of generation installed by the customer based on considerations of health, safety, regulatory compliance by the Division, and the reliability of the Division’s distribution system.
   The Division may limit interconnected distributed generation to fifteen percent (15%) of the peak load of the line or line segment, or such other limit as the Division deems appropriate for reliability purposes.
   (d)   Standby Power Charge. Distributed generation installations of any kind totaling ten (10) kilowatts or less at a single premise shall not be subject to standby power charges. There shall be no standby power charge for wind or solar distributed generation of any size. All other distributed generation installations totaling more than ten (10) kilowatts at a single premises shall be subject to the standby rate contained in Section 523.12 multiplied by the rated capacity of the distributed generation.
   (e)   Liability. The City shall not be liable directly or indirectly for permitting or allowing the connection of customer’s distributed generation to the Division’s distribution system or for the acts or omissions of the customer generator that cause property damage, loss, injury, or death to any person.
(Ord. No. 1662-09. Passed 12-7-09, eff. 12-9-09)
   Note: Former section 523.25 was repealed by Ord. No. 910-98, passed 2-14-00, eff. 2-22-00.