505.01 Sidewalk Defined; Width Requirements
505.02 Grading
505.03 Changing Sidewalks; Curb Line and Grading; Notice of Noncompliance
505.04 Construction Permit; Establishing Grade; Fees
505.05 Repair and Maintenance Restrictions in Central Business District
505.06 Construction Permit; Deposit; Bond
505.07 Board of Sidewalk Appeals
505.08 Protests Filed Prior to Work
505.09 Protests Filed After Work is Completed
505.10 Protests to be Filed in Writing
505.11 Duty to Repair Sidewalks, Curbs and Gutters; Duty to Maintain Certain Sidewalks; Liability
505.12 Failure to Maintain Certain Sidewalks
505.13 Failure to Construct or Repair Sidewalks, Curbs and Gutters; City May Perform Work
505.14 50/50 Hazardous Sidewalk Repair Program
505.15 Easements Acceptance and Release for Tree Preservation
505.99 Penalty
Note: The legislative history of this chapter, except where specifically noted at the end of a section, is as follows: Ordinance No. 63410-A, passed September 22, 1924.
Statutory reference:
Changing established grade, RC 727.07
Construction or repair at owner’s expense, RC 729.01 et seq.
Notice to construct or repair, RC 729.03 et seq.
Changing established grade, RC 727.07
Construction or repair at owner’s expense, RC 729.01 et seq.
Notice to construct or repair, RC 729.03 et seq.
All sidewalks shall be under the direction of the Director of Public Service. The space between the property line and the curb line on each side of the paved roadway or curbed streets shall constitute the sidewalk. Upon unpaved streets, the sidewalk shall be the portion adjoining the property line on each side, and shall have a width equal to one-fifth of the distance between property lines, but in no case shall the sidewalk be less than four (4) feet in width except in streets or alleys of sixteen (16) feet or less in width, where the sidewalk shall be two and one-half (2-1/2) feet in width.
(a) All sidewalks hereafter improved by placing walks with a permanent surfacing on any public highway or street within the City shall be so improved by constructing walks with stone flagging or concrete, and in accordance with the specifications prescribed by the Director of Public Service, and shall be of the width prescribed by resolution of Council, or as directed by the Director where no such resolution has been passed. The sidewalk shall be so laid that the top surface shall be properly roughened, so that the same shall be prevented from becoming slippery when covered with moisture. The roughened finish shall be of such character as in the judgment of the Director will effectually prevent at any time the slippery condition of such walks.
(b) Any grading necessary between the walks as laid, and the curb line, or between the walks and the edge of the sidewalk space as herein established, shall be done at the time of laying the walks, so as to leave the sidewalk space at the grade hereinafter described.
(c) The sidewalks as improved shall coincide with the line described as follows: beginning at the curb line with the established curb grade as determined by the City Engineer; Thence extending to the street line at right angles to the curb line, with a rise of three- eighths (3/8) of an inch to the foot; provided, that at street intersections, where the grade of the intersecting street prevents compliance with the above provisions, the walk shall be laid under the direction and to the acceptance of the Commissioner of Engineering and Construction.
(a) Any sidewalk heretofore laid shall not be raised or lowered without the approval of the Commissioner of Engineering and Construction. All sidewalks hereafter laid shall be in accordance with the provisions of this chapter and under the supervision of the Commissioner.
(b) No curb line or grade for curb shall be changed, except by the direction and the written consent of the Director of Public Service or Commissioner.
(c) Any sidewalk laid on any public street or highway within the City in a manner inconsistent with the provisions of this chapter shall, upon the recommendation of the Director, be ordered relaid to the proper grade, upon the failure of the property owner to make the change so ordered within the time specified in the notice.