§ 503.08 City Gas System; Maps; Permit
   All companies and persons engaged in the manufacture and sale of gas in the City to the City or the inhabitants thereof, and occupying the public streets, lanes, alleys, avenues and grounds of the City, with mains, pipes and apparatus for the distribution of such gas shall, when requested by the Director of Public Service, either file in the office of the Director accurate maps and plans for all such public streets, lanes, alleys, avenues and grounds, showing the location, depth and size of such mains and pipes, together with all street boxes, safety valves, gauges and apparatus or every kind in the streets and public grounds, or shall allow such access to their own records, and shall furnish such data as shall enable the Director to make or cause to be made such maps and plans as are hereinbefore described. No permits shall be issued to any such company or person to lay any pipes, mains or apparatus in any of the public streets or grounds of the City until such company or person has first filed with the Director an accurate plan of the streets and public grounds in which such mains, pipes and apparatus are to be laid, showing the location, size and depth of the same.