§ 503.013 Street Pavement Preservation
   (a)   Purpose and Intent. The purpose and intent of this section is to:
      (1)   Regulate the cumulative and repetitive impacts to the public right-of-way from the construction, reconstruction, installation, repair and maintenance of equipment and facilities located in the public right-of-way;
      (2)   Minimize pavement degradation;
      (3)   Maintain the structural integrity of roadway services; and
      (4)   Maintain a smooth riding surface for all modes of traffic.
   (b)   After any public street has been constructed, reconstructed or repaved under City or other governmental contract or accepted under ordinance passed by Council, the pavement surface shall not thereafter be cut or opened for a period of five (5) years.
   (c)   The Director shall grant exceptions to the prohibition contained in division (b) of this section in order to facilitate development on adjacent properties, provide for emergency repairs to subsurface facilities, provide for underground service connection to adjacent properties or to allow the upgrading of underground facilities in accordance with rules promulgated by the Director and published in the City Record. When granting exceptions, the Director may impose conditions appropriate to insure the rapid and complete restoration of the street and paving surface. Repaving may include surface grinding, base and sub-base repairs, or other related work as needed, and may include up to full-width surface paving of the roadway.
   (d)   If the Director determines that final repaving of the street is not appropriate at that particular time for reasons relating to weather or other short term problems, the Director may grant a delay until proper conditions allow repaving.
(Ord. No. 1242-A-07. Passed 10-8-07, eff. 10-11-07)