§ 405.08 Impounding Commercial Vehicles; Fees
   (a)   Storage Fee. Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 405.04, whenever any commercial vehicle is impounded and stored, either in a vehicle pound operated by the City or other area designated by the Director of Public Safety, a charge of ten dollars ($10.00) per day or fraction thereof in excess of twenty-four (24) hours, shall be charged for the storage of all commercial vehicles not exceeding five (5) tons net weight, and a charge of twenty dollars ($20.00) per day or fraction in excess of twenty-four (24) hours, shall be charged for the storage of all commercial vehicles in excess of five (5) tons net weight.
   (b)   Towing Fees. Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 405.06, the fees for towing a commercial vehicle will be assessed in accordance with this division. Each firm that is under contract with the City for the towing of commercial vehicles under the authority of Section 135.42 shall be paid in accordance with the schedule of its commercial rates on file with the Director of Public Safety as required by division (d) of Section 135.42.
   (c)   Impounding Fee. An impounding fee of thirty dollars ($30.00) shall be charged.
   (d)   Fees Assessed. The storage and impounding fees provided for in this section shall be assessed against the owner or other person claiming such impounded vehicles.
(Ord. No. 292-07. Passed 6-11-07, eff. 6-15-07)
§ 405.09 Impounding Bicycles
   Whenever any bicycle is operated by any minor under the age of eighteen (18) years in violation of the provisions of this Traffic Code, such bicycle may be impounded by any police officer in any vehicle pound established under authority of Section 405.01. When any bicycle has been impounded, written notice or personal service shall be made forthwith by the officer in charge of such pound to a parent or guardian of the licensee of such bicycle. The bicycle so impounded shall be surrendered to a parent or guardian of such minor after payment of any impounding charge and a full explanation to the parent or guardian of the reason for seizing the bicycle. When any impounded bicycle is not redeemed within three (3) days after mailing of notice or personal service, a charge of twenty-five cents ($0.25) per day but not to exceed one dollar ($1.00) shall be made by the officer in charge of the pound and collected by the Clerk of the Municipal Court for such impounding.
(Ord. No. 1684-76. Passed 6-29-76, eff. 7-6-76)
§ 405.10 Towing Preparation Fees
   (a)   The owner or other person claiming an impounded vehicle other than a commercial vehicle shall be assessed the following towing preparation fees in addition to the other fees and costs provided for in these Codified Ordinances:
      (1)   Three dollars ($3.00) for each fuse needed.
      (2)   Two dollars ($2.00) for removal of the transmission pin.
      (3)   A rate of seven dollars ($7.00) per quarter hour or fraction thereof in excess of one-half (1/2) hour for the preparation of the vehicle for towing, commencing at the arrival of the tow truck at the vehicle to be impounded, provided that any of the following circumstances exist:
         A.   When the vehicle is not on the traveled portion or berm of the roadway, such as over an embankment or in deep snow or mud; or
         B.   When it is necessary to separate vehicles or pull the vehicle from an obstruction; or
         C.   When it is necessary to right the vehicle on its wheels.
   (b)   The owner or other person claiming an impounded commercial vehicle shall be assessed the following towing preparation fees in addition to the other fees and costs provided for in these Codified Ordinances:
      (1)   Three dollars ($3.00) for each fuse needed.
      (2)   Seventy five dollars ($75.00) per dolly required.
      (3)   A rate of thirty-six dollars ($36.00) per hour or fraction thereof, and thereafter a rate of eighteen dollars ($18.00) per half hour or fraction thereof, per additional helper.
      (4)   Two hundred dollars ($200.00) for each rescue kit (air bags) per hour or fraction thereof to a maximum of one thousand two hundred dollars ($1,200.00).
(Ord. No. 578-89. Passed 6-19-89, eff. 6-28-89)
§ 405.11 Fee for Incompleted Tow
   (a)   If the owner or other person claiming a right to lawful possession of a vehicle to be impounded for a violation of any of the parking infraction offenses listed in division (l) of Section 405.02 arrives at the scene prior to the actual conveyance of the vehicle and identifies himself or herself and establishes to the satisfaction of the police officer that he or she is entitled to possession of the vehicle, the police officer providing for the removal of the vehicle shall direct that the activity to remove the vehicle be ceased. The police officer shall then direct that the possession of the vehicle be retained by or returned to the owner or other person claiming lawful possession of the vehicle, provided that all of the following are true, in the opinion of the police officer:
      (1)   The owner or other person claiming lawful possession of the vehicle is capable of safely taking possession of the vehicle; and
      (2)   The flow of traffic will not be unreasonably impeded; and
      (3)   The health, safety or welfare of the public will not be adversely affected.
   (b)   If the circumstances described in division (a) of this section occur after a tow truck has arrived at the vehicle and activity to remove the vehicle has commenced, then the owner or other person claiming lawful possession of the vehicle shall be charged a fee of twenty-five dollars ($25.00), twenty dollars ($20.00) of which shall be for the cost of the activity to remove the vehicle and five dollars ($5.00) of which shall be attributed to the cost of releasing the vehicle.
   (c)   A police officer shall not direct that a vehicle be retained by or returned to the owner or other person pursuant to division (a) of this section in cases in which there are four (4) or more parking infraction judgments or previously issued outstanding criminal citations or notices of violation of any of the provisions of this Traffic Code associated with the vehicle.
(Ord. No. 533-91. Passed 3-4-91, eff. 3-4-91)
§ 405.12 Fee for Diverting Recovered Stolen Vehicles and Other Vehicles from Impoundment; Agreements Authorized
   A fee shall be charged to participants in a program established by the Director of Public Safety to divert, as an alternative to impoundment, recovered stolen vehicles, damaged or wrecked vehicles resulting from traffic accidents that are subject to impoundment under Section 405.02, and other classes of vehicles as determined by the Director, to the possession of an insurance company, the owner of the vehicle, or a third party acting on behalf of the insurance company or owner. The Board of Control shall establish a fee per vehicle to be charged to the participants in the program. The Director of Public Safety may enter into agreements to conduct a vehicle diversion program as described in this section.
(Ord. No. 1119-91. Passed 6-17-91, eff. 6-26-91)