(a) General. Except as otherwise provided in this section, the design and construction of concrete footings shall conform to the provisions included in BOCA Section 1009.0.
(b) Material. Concrete in footings and foundations shall have a compressive strength at twenty-eight (28) days of not less than two thousand five hundred (2,500) pounds per square inch.
(c) Protection of Reinforcement. When concrete of reinforced concrete footings is deposited directly against the ground, the reinforcement shall be protected with a minimum of three (3) inches of concrete.
(d) Pouring Requirements. Concrete footings shall be poured in the dry except by special permission of the Commissioner of Building. If permission is obtained to pour concrete footings under or in the presence of water, the concrete shall be poured by tremie, bottom-dump bucket, or other means approved by the Commissioner, in such manner as to insure minimum segregation of the ingredients and negligible turbulence of the water. The water-cement ratio in concrete so placed shall not exceed five (5) gallons per sack of ninety-four (94) pounds of cement. In no case shall water be allowed to flow through placed concrete.
(e) Protection Against Freezing. Concrete in footings shall be protected from freezing while being placed and after placing; when normal Portland cement is used such protection shall be maintained for at least four (4) days after placing. When approved high early strength Portland cement is used, such protection shall be maintained in place for at least two (2) days after placing.