§ 3115.01 Scope and Application; Compliance Standard
   The provisions of this chapter shall apply whenever buildings or other structures are demolished, moved or removed in whole or in part, and whenever buildings or other structures are erected, altered, or repaired. All work of demolition or moving or removing of buildings or other structures or partsthereof, and all precautions during erection, alteration, or repair of buildings or other structures shall be in conformity with the provisions of this chapter and in conformity with accepted safe practice. When deemed necessary, the Director of Public Works may promulgate rules or regulations limiting or restricting the use of public property and the Board of Building Standards and Building Appeals may promulgate rules or regulations defining accepted safe practice. In the absence of such rules or regulations the provisions of NFiPA Standard 241, "Safeguarding Building Construction and Demolition Standards", shall be deemed to establish and define accepted safe practice, and the Commissioner may require conformity with any provision of such Standard where deemed necessary by him or her for safety to life or property. The Directors of Capital Projects and Public Works shall promulgate rules and regulations establishing the criteria for traffic and pedestrian maintenance plans, according to Ohio Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices (OMUTCD) standards, required for a street obstruction permit under Section 411.011 for construction and rehabilitation projects in the public right-of-way, but not for a demolition permit under Section 3115.04.
(Ord. No. 979-2020. Passed 7-14-21, eff. 7-16-21)
§ 3115.02 Relation to Statutes
   The provisions of this chapter are supplementary to and in addition to the applicable provisions of statutes and rules and regulations promulgated by authority thereof. In cases of conflict, the more restrictive provisions shall govern.
§ 3115.03 Use of Public Property
   (a)   Approval of Director of Public Works Required. Public property shall not be used for the storage of materials or equipment or for the operation of equipment, nor shall any fence, railing, barricade, walkway, canopy, shed, scaffold or other construction or protection be erected on public property without the approval of the Director of Public Works. Any permit issued for such use of public property shall be valid only while such use is maintained safe and non- hazardous. The City authority issuing such permit shall revoke any such permit when unsafe conditions are not promptly corrected.
   (b)   Limitations and Restrictions. The use of public property for storage of material or for other uses incidental to demolition, house moving, alterations or building operations shall conform to the limitations and restrictions imposed by the Director of Public Works, as deemed necessary by him or her for safety to life and property and the maintenance of traffic on sidewalks and roadways.
   (c)   Any permit issued for the use of public property shall terminate with the completion of the operations for the performance of which it was procured.
(Ord. No. 979-2020. Passed 7-14-21, eff. 7-16-21)
§ 3115.04 Demolition Permit; Registration and Identification
   (a)   Permit Required. No person, firm or corporation shall raze or demolish or remove a building or other structure, or part thereof, without obtaining a permit from the Director of Building and Housing.
   (b)   Registration. No person, firm or corporation shall engage in the business of house wrecking, demolition of structure or parts thereof or removal of a building or other structure unless the person, firm or corporation holds a valid certificate of registration issued by the Director in conformity with the applicable provisions of Chapter 3107.
   (c)   Requirements. All demolition work shall be performed in conformity with NFiPA Standard 241, "Standard for Safeguarding Construction, Alteration, and Demolition Operations" and Section 509.14 of the Codified Ordinances.
   (d)   Identification. All equipment and vehicles used in demolition or removal of debris from demolition shall be clearly identified. This identification shall be the name of the person, firm, or corporation owning or renting such vehicles and equipment, in letters having a minimum dimension of four (4) inches. Symbols or logos shall not be deemed to meet the identification requirements unless they comply with the minimum letter dimension and identify the person, firm or corporation.
   Such identification shall be identical to the registration of the person, firm or corporation as set forth in the Department of Building and Housing.
   (e)   A condition of a demolition permit shall include the requirement that the contractor or permit holder conduct a rodent survey and, when necessary, baiting operation.
   The survey and baiting program shall be conducted by an applicator or operator duly licensed pursuant to RC Chapter 921.
(Ord. No. 1121-18. Passed 12-3-18, eff. 12-5-18)