§ 509.14 Protecting Trees During Construction
   (a)   No person in charge of the erection, repair, alteration or removal of any building or structure within the City shall fail to properly preserve, maintain, and protect, pursuant to the general requirements of Section 341.052, public trees that are in the vicinity of the building or structure from damage that may be caused by or may be a result of the erection, repair, alteration or removal of the building or structure.
   (b)   No person in charge of the erection, repair, alteration or removal of any building or structure within the City shall remove any public tree in the vicinity of the building or structure without prior written approval of the Commissioner of Park Maintenance and Properties or a designee and then only if one (1) or more of the situations under division (b) of Section 341.052 apply.
(Ord. No. 1121-18. Passed 12-3-18, eff. 12-5-18)