§ 3105.15 Maintaining Posted Certificates, Placards and Signs
   Whenever the provisions of OBBC or this Building Code require the posting of Certificates of Occupancy, placards or warning or other signs, such certificates, placards and signs shall be firmly affixed, shall remain in the designated places, and shall be readable at all times and, if lost, removed or defaced, shall be immediately replaced by a duplicate. Duplicates of Certificates of Occupancy, and of placards specified in Section 3105.13 and 3105.14 shall be obtained from the Commissioner.
§ 3105.16 Payment of Permit Fees
   (a)   A permit shall not be issued until the fee prescribed therefor has been paid to the City Treasurer. The fee to be paid for a permit to be issued by the Commissioner shall be determined in the Division of Building and Housing and shall be noted on the application when such application is otherwise ready for issuance of the permit. Upon payment of the fee a receipt shall be given.
   (b)   The fees prescribed in this chapter shall be additive and, unless otherwise specifically provided, separate fees shall be paid for each of the items listed.
   (c)   The fees prescribed in division (d) of Section 3105.25 shall apply when a building or structure is demolished or torn down, or so removed as to require re-assembly as new construction if re-built, or is moved to a site outside the limits of the City.
   (d)   The fees prescribed in division (e) of Section 3105.25 shall apply when such buildings or structures are moved as a unit from a location within the City to a new site within the City. Re-located structures such as marquees, signs, awnings, tanks, and grandstands, and other similar structures new or re-used, which require erection or assembly when re-located shall be subject to the permit fees prescribed for corresponding new structures. Buildings or structures moved out of the City shall be subject to the fees prescribed in divisions (d) and (e) of Section 3105.25. Buildings or structures moved into the City shall be subject to the permit fees prescribed for new buildings and the permit fees prescribed under division (e) of Section 3105.25.
   (e)   The permit fees prescribed in this chapter shall apply to all permits for buildings or other structures, or parts thereof, obtained after June 27, 1949 including existing buildings or structures which are relocated or re-erected.
(Ord. No. 1233-15. Passed 11-9-15, eff. 11-11-15)
§ 3105.17 Payment for Water Used in Construction Work
   The fees specified in this chapter do not include the cost of water used in construction work. Before any permit is issued for work for which water will be required, arrangements shall be made with the Division of Water for payment for all water used, and a certificate stating that the rules and regulations of the Division of Water have been complied with shall be secured from such Division.
§ 3105.18 Calculating Aggregate Floor Area as Fee Basis
   Except for electrical and mechanical permits, where aggregate floor area is the basis for establishing the amount of the permit fee, such aggregate floor area shall be calculated as follows:
   (a)   The aggregate floor shall be the sum of the gross horizontal areas of the several floors of the building or other structures, including interior balconies and mezzanines, if any, and including basements, cellars, and usable parts of attics; except that attic floors in dwelling houses and row houses shall not be included in the aggregate floor area unless they are at least fifty percent (50%) used for habitable rooms, kitchens, bathrooms, toilet rooms or for other similar living purposes;
   (b)   All horizontal dimensions shall be taken from the exterior faces of walls, including walls or other enclosures of enclosed porches, dormers, penthouses and sidewalk vaults, and including the areas of open porches and open porticos. The measurements shall not include the areas of outer or inner courts; or the areas of outside terraces, or steps, or of similar open structures outside of the enclosing exterior walls. The permit fee for structures outside the enclosing exterior walls of a building shall be based upon the estimated costs thereof established as hereinafter specified in Section 3105.19; provided that no permit fee shall be assessed for appurtenances such as outside terraces, steps, platforms and similar open structures, constructed on dwelling houses and row houses at the same time as such houses are built;
   (c)   Whenever a story height of a building exceeds fifteen (15) feet measured as herein specified for “H,” the aggregate floor area of such floor shall be deemed to be H/15 times the measured floor area thereof. “H” shall be the height measured from the floor level of such story to the floor level of the story above, or where such story is the uppermost story of the building and has a finished ceiling, shall be the height measured from the floor level of such story to a level one (1) foot above the average ceiling level within the measured floor area. Where no ceiling is provided in the uppermost story of a building and the roof is supported on girders or trusses, “H” shall be measured to the midheight of such girders or trusses; with sloping roof and no ceiling, “H” shall be measured to the mid- height of the sloping roof; with exposed roof joists on bearing walls, “H” shall be measured to a level one (1) foot above the average level of the roof joists;
   (d)   For all electrical and mechanical permit fees the aggregate floor areas shall be calculated as set forth in subsections (a) and (b) hereof.
§ 3105.19 Establishing Cost as Fee Basis
   (a)   Where the permit fee is based upon the cost of the work done under the permit, such costs shall be the actual cost as certified by the owner or by the authorized representative of the owner, and as approved by the Commissioner.
   (b)   The Commissioner may, at any time after application for a permit is filed, up to three (3) months after completion of the building or other structure, require the submission of authoritative estimates or actual cost data to substantiate the estimated cost stated in the application for a permit, and the payment of additional fees when it is demonstrated that the actual cost of the work is in excess of the estimated cost on which permit fees were paid.
§ 3105.20 Determining Value of Destroyed Parts
   In determining the proportionate value of a destroyed part of a building or other structure, or of additions, alterations or repairs made to a building or other structure, all parts, whether existing, new, or destroyed, and including plumbing, heating and ventilating equipment, electrical wiring and equipment, and other necessary fixed equipment, shall be valued at costs current at the time of evaluation. However, parts which do not serve a required purpose such as decorative painting, molded or cast plaster decorations, and wall, floor or ceiling finishes intended for comfort or enhancement, shall not be included in such valuation.
§ 3105.21 Sign Measurement Standards
   Sign face area, sign height and sign location, as regulated in OBBC and this Building Code, shall be measured according to the following standards.
   (a)   Sign Face Area. Standards to compute the amount of sign face area permitted by these regulations are herein established as follows:
      (1)   Measurement of Sign Face Area.
         A.   Panel Signs. Sign face area shall be measured to include the surface area of the smallest single rectangle enclosing the sign panel. For two (2) sided free-standing signs, which conform to the standards of OBBC and Chapter 3113 of this Building Code, only one (1) side shall be included in the measurement. For any free-standing sign, measurement of sign face area shall also include any portion of the structural supports which extends above the base of the sign panel. However, the entire structural support shall be included in the measurement if such supports are designed and used to convey part of the sign’s message.
         B.   Nonpanel Signs. Sign face area shall be measured to include the surface area of the smallest single rectangle enclosing the letters or characters of the sign.
      (2)   Measurement of Building Frontage. The frontage of a building shall be the width of the facade(s) of the building, excluding any roof overhang or non-bearing decorative walls, which faces the principal street or contains the main entrance. If a building is divided into units, the building unit frontage shall be the width of that unit as measured from the party wall centerlines, on the frontage of the building.
      (3)   Measurement of Temporary Window Sign Coverage. In determining the percentage of window area covered by temporary signs, each facade or side of the building shall be considered separately. Window area shall be measured to include all windows and the glass portions of doors but shall exclude all such area covered by permanent signs or other relatively permanent material.
   (b)   Sign Height. The height of freestanding signs shall be measured from the base of the sign at its point of attachment to the ground to its topmost element. However, if the support of a free-standing sign is attached to a wall or other man-made base, including a graded earth mound, the sign height shall be measured from the grade of the nearest street, drive or parking area, as determined by the Commissioner of Building and Housing.
   (c)   Sign Location. In determining the location of signs in relation to lot lines, including district and street right-of-way lines, distances shall be measured from the vertical projection of the lot line to the closest point on the sign. For corner lots, two (2) lot lines shall be considered street right-of-way lines.