(a) Approved automatic fire detecting systems may be provided in lieu of required fire patrols in Class B multiple dwellings and in buildings of Institutional Occupancy Classification as specified in Sections 391.26 and 3125.46.
(b) In buildings of any occupancy classification, where deemed adequate and satisfactory protection for the rooms or premises so equipped when approved by the Board of Building Standards and Building Appeals, approved automatic fire detecting equipment may be provided in lieu of required automatic sprinkler installations in locations where the fire load from combustible contents within the rooms or premises, does not exceed twelve (12) pounds per square foot of floor area and where such combustible contents are not of an explosive or hazardous nature, or where the installation of an automatic sprinkler system is deemed inadvisable by the Board because of the nature of the contents or occupancy.
(c) No automatic fire detecting system shall be approved for the purposes specified in this section unless there is provided from such automatic fire detecting system either a direct connection, or a connection by means of an approved signal supervisory service, to the Division of Fire for immediate notification of the Division should fire occur, or in buildings where some responsible person in authority is on duty at all hours of the day and night, a connection to sound an alarm and indicate the locality from which such alarm was sounded. In the latter cases, alarm gongs and indicators or annunciators shall be provided in such number and in such locations as are directed or approved by the Division.
(Ord. No. 991-49. Passed 6-27-49, eff. 6-27-49)
As used in this Fire Prevention Code:
(a) “Automatic fire detecting system” means a system which utilizes thermostatic or other approved detecting elements for the detection of fire and the automatic transmission of an alarm.
(b) “Supervisory service” means an agreed-upon service rendered upon receipt of a signal or nonreceipt of a scheduled signal from devices or equipment being supervised, at a central station remote from the building, devices or equipment being supervised.
(Ord. No. 991-49. Passed 6-27-49, eff. 6-27-49)
(a) Required systems of automatic fire detection and their component parts and devices shall be of a type approved by the Board of Building Standards and Building Appeals. Fire detecting systems and devices tested and approved by the Underwriters’ Laboratories, Inc., or tested and approved by other recognized testing laboratory with adequate equipment, experience and competency, may be approved by the Board without additional tests.
(b) Automatic fire detecting devices shall be placed throughout the rooms or premises protected and shall be placed and distributed in conformity with the conditions of approval of the system.
(Ord. No. 991-49. Passed 6-27-49, eff. 6-27-49)
(a) All installations shall be made in conformity with the conditions of approval of the system.
(b) All electrical work shall conform to the provisions of Chapter 3161.
(c) Upon completion of an automatic fire detecting system and as a condition of approval, a test of the entire installation shall be made under the direction of the Fire Chief and with the co-operation of the Commissioner of Building.
(d) Automatic fire detecting systems shall be tested each month and at such times as may be directed by the Division of Fire.
(e) Automatic fire detecting systems shall be maintained in operating condition at all times.
(Ord. No. 991-49. Passed 6-27-49, eff. 6-27-49)
(a) The provisions of this section shall apply to Class B multiple dwellings with twenty (20) or more sleeping rooms or used or occupied at any time by forty (40) or more persons for sleeping purposes, and to Class A multiple dwellings, used in whole or in part for single room occupancy as defined in Section 3125.25(f).
(b) Each such building shall have provisions for fire detection consisting of either:
(1) A fire patrol, which shall consist of the necessary number of persons to inspect all parts of the building at least once every hour, in approved tours, between the hours of 10:00 p.m. and 7:00 am. Approved time recording apparatus shall be installed and maintained in such buildings and shall be used to record the time of the inspection trips of the fire patrol. Such records shall be dated and filed in order and shall be available for inspection by the Division of Fire at any time within one (1) year after the date of such record;
(c) The fire patrol shall inspect all stairways, exit passageways, public hallways, exit lighting, fire extinguishing equipment and fire protection equipment on each tour of duty and correct every hazardous condition and every condition which might be hazardous in the event of fire or that is in violation of this Fire Prevention Code. The Fire Patrol shall also transmit, or cause to be transmitted, an alarm of fire to the Division in case, of fire or suspicion of fire.
(d) The personnel employed in such buildings shall be organized for, and shall have, regular monthly fire drills conducted in accordance with the rules and regulations therefor issued by the Division and held under the direction of the owner or an employee duly qualified therefor and holding a certificate of qualification issued by the Division.
(e) In each sleeping room of such buildings there shall be posted a floor plan of the floor upon which such sleeping room is located, clearly showing the arrangement and the location of exits and the direction of travel required to reach them. There shall be appended to each such floor plan the fire safety rules for the building promulgated by the Division. Such floor plan shall be posted or attached to the wall surface in a prominent position immediately adjacent to the entrance door to such sleeping room.
(Ord. No. 991-49. Passed 6-27-49, eff. 6-27-49)