§ 113.10 Bureau of the Budget
   There shall be in the office of the Clerk of Council a Bureau of the Budget, the head of which shall be a person trained in accounting and preferably also with legal training and experience. He or she shall study, investigate and report to the Clerk on all financial reports, ordinances and accounts filed with the Clerk. He or she shall serve as clerk and advisor of the Finance Committee or of Council as a committee of the whole, when annual appropriation matters are before the Committee. He or she shall keep in close touch with and make investigations into the income and expenditure accounts of the City and the several departments and offices and report thereon whenever Council shall by resolution request. He or she shall make such investigations as Council shall require, and for such purposes he or she shall have all of the authority set forth in Charter Section 46. He or she shall perform such other duties as Council or the Clerk shall require.
(Ord. No. 476-40. Passed 1-27-41)