§ 113.09 Municipal Reference Library
   (a)   The Municipal Reference Library in the City Hall, a division of the Cleveland Public Library, is hereby designated an official depository library for all printed, mimeographed or typewritten reports and documents issued by each committee of Council and the various departments, divisions or commissions of the City.
   (b)   Whenever any committee of Council, a department, division or commission issues any such report or document, the head of such agency shall cause at least one (1) copy thereof to be promptly deposited in the Municipal Reference Library for the archive collection.
   (c)   There is hereby established an archive room in the office of the city Clerk which shall be under the jurisdiction and administration of the Municipal Reference Library.
   (d)   The Municipal Reference Library shall collect, catalogue, arrange and properly maintain all documents, reports and papers deposited therein, in such a manner so that they may be at all times easily accessible to all members of Council, all City officials and the general public for reference service. The Municipal Reference Library shall further secure such books, pamphlets, periodicals, documents and other literature by purchase or by loan from the Cleveland Public Library and other libraries and sources of information as may be needed by any members of Council or a City official in the course of his or her work.
   (e)   All copies of reports, documents and papers deposited with the Municipal Reference Library for the archive collection shall become the property of the Cleveland Public Library.
(Ord. No. 1796-42. Passed 1-18-43)