§ 113.06 Duties of the Clerk
   (a)   The Clerk of Council shall keep an accurate and correct Journal of proceedings of Council and of each Council committee. The Clerk shall have the custody of all the laws and ordinances of the City, and shall compile and edit the City Record and shall make the City Record available electronically and in print as may be requested. The Clerk shall furnish all transcripts, orders and certificates called for by any person, and authenticate the same by the Clerk's official signature under the Clerk's seal.
   (b)   The Clerk shall, within two (2) weeks after the passage of any ordinance by Council vacating, narrowing or altering any street or alley, inform the Cuyahoga County Fiscal Officer of the action of Council by mailing the County Fiscal Officer a certified copy of such ordinance. The Clerk shall furnish to the public library of the City, either in print or by electronic means, copies of all reports, Council proceedings or matters produced under authority of the City immediately upon their publication.
(Ord. No. 1184-2019. Passed 9-23-19, eff. 9-25-19)