§ 371.02 Access and Egress
   Every dwelling unit leased or rented for residential purposes shall have direct access to a public stairway, hallway, corridor or other means of egress without passing through any other dwelling unit, provided that where a structure contains more than six (6) rooms or more than three (3) dwelling units above the first story, the Commissioner of Housing shall require such additional means of egress as shall be needed for the safety of the occupants of such structure. Every public hallway, corridor, stairway, exit or other means of egress shall be protected against fire with construction having a required fire resistance rating and shall be kept clear and unobstructed at all times, so as to afford safe passage from each dwelling unit to open space at ground level.
(Ord. No. 68-A-67. Passed 4-3-67, eff. 4-5-67)