§ 357.16 Courts
   (a)   Width and Area of Required Courts.
      (1)   General Provisions. No court serving a required window shall be less in any part than the minimum sizes prescribed in this section and no court, required or not, shall be less than five (5) feet in width.
      (2)   Outer Courts Opening on Alleys. When an outer court opens directly upon an alley extending parallel to the opening, one-half (1/2) the width of such alley may be assumed to be a portion of such court.
      (3)   Widths of Courts Serving Habitable Rooms.
         A.   Every outer court required to serve windows in habitable rooms shall have a width at any level of not less than four (4) inches for each foot or fraction thereof of the height of such court at that level, but not less than ten (10) feet; such width at any level shall be not less than three (3) inches for each foot or fraction thereof of the height of such court at that level, but not less than five (5) feet; and except that where the length of an outer court is ten (10) feet or less, the minimum width may be five (5) feet.
         B.   Every inner court required to serve windows in habitable rooms shall have a width at any level of not less than one (1) foot for each foot or fraction thereof of the height of such court at that level, but not less than ten (10) feet; such width at any level shall be not less than eight (8) inches for each foot or fraction thereof of the height of such court at that level, but not less than ten (10) feet.
      (4)   Widths of Courts Serving Other than Habitable Rooms. Every outer or inner court required to serve windows in other than habitable rooms shall have a width at any level of not less than three (3) inches for each foot or fraction thereof of the height of such court at that level, but not less than five (5) feet.
      (5)   Widths of Irregular Shaped Courts. In the case of irregular or segment-shaped courts, the average width of such court shall be not less than the required width of such court, provided that no such court shall be less than five (5) feet in width at any point.
      (6)   Area of Courts.
         A.   The cross-sectional area of a required inner court at any level shall be not less than one and one-half (1-1/2) times the square of its required width.
         B.   The cross-sectional area of a required outer court at any level shall not be greater than three (3) times the square of its width; for outer courts greater in length than three (3) times the required width, the width shall be increased so that the cross- sectional area shall be not greater than three (3) times the square of its width.
   (b)   Application of Court Width and Area Requirements.
      (1)   In Residence Districts, and for buildings of Residential Occupancy or Institutional H Occupancy Classification in other use districts, the required width and cross-sectional area of a court at its highest level shall be the width and cross-sectional area required for its full height.
      (2)   Except as provided in subsection (b)(1) hereof, walls of courts may be set back at various levels to provide the width and cross-sectional area specified in this section.
   (c)   Air Intakes for Courts Serving Habitable Rooms. Every court serving one (1) or more habitable rooms that does not open for its full height on one (1) or more sides on a street, alley or other permanent open public space, or upon a yard conforming to the provisions of this Zoning Code, shall be connected, at or near the bottom, with a street, alley or other permanent open public space, or with a yard conforming to the provisions of this Zoning Code, by an intake or passage. Such intake or passage shall have a cross-sectional area of not less than twenty-one (21) square feet, and shall be maintained fully open at both ends and unobstructed for its full size and length, except that grilles may be permitted at the ends.
   (d)   Encroachments upon Required Courts.
      (1)   Every court shall remain unobstructed for its required width and full height, except that for outer courts, cornices, eaves and downspouts projecting not more than twelve (12) inches from a wall, ordinary window sills or belt courses projecting not more than four (4) inches from a wall, and fixed or retractable awnings as limited by Sections 3109.10 and 3109.11 respectively, shall be permitted to encroach upon such required court dimensions; and except that clothes poles, arbors, garden trellises and other similar accessories shall be permitted.
      (2)   In inner courts no projections of more than four (4) inches into the required dimensions shall be permitted, except that downspouts may project to the extent required for their installation, and except that fixed and retractable awnings may project to the extent permitted by Sections 3109.10 and 3109.11, respectively.
   (e)   Drainage and Accessibility of Court Bottoms.
      (1)   The bottom of every court shall be properly graded and drained and shall be roofed, paved or suitably grassed over or landscaped. Courts shall be maintained in a clean and sanitary condition.
      (2)   Every court that is not otherwise accessible at the bottom shall be made accessible by a door or other means to enable it to be properly cleaned.
(Ord. No. 573-18. Passed 7-18-18, eff. 8-17-18)