§ 3109.10 Fixed Awnings
   (a)   Application. The provisions of this section shall govern the erection of fixed awnings erected between a setback building line, specific building line, street line or alley line and the curb line; or within a required yard or court.
   (b)   Definition. For purposes of this Building Code a “fixed awning” means a fixed structure supported by cantilevering or bracketing from the face of a building, and constructed to provide shelter or shade.
   (c)   Permitted Locations.
      (1)   Fixed awnings conforming to the provisions of this section may be erected on any building.
      (2)   A fixed awning located as specified in subsection (a) hereof shall not be erected above the lowest story abutting a yard or court or facing a street or alley.
   (d)   Permissible Length. There shall be no limitation on the permitted length of fixed awnings, measured parallel to the face of the building to which they are attached, when constructed and installed in conformity with the provisions of this section.
   (e)   Maximum Projection.
      (1)   In Dwelling House Districts no fixed awning shall extend beyond the limits specified in Section 357.13(b)(1) of the Zoning Code.
      (2)   No fixed awning shall extend so that the extreme outer edge is less than two (2) feet from a vertical surface passing through the outer face of the sidewalk curb and no fixed awning shall extend more than forty-two (42) inches from the building face to which it is attached when over a window required to provide natural light in a habitable room, or more than five (5) feet in other instances; except that on one (1) story buildings fixed awnings may extend six (6) feet from the building face when not over a window required to provide natural light in a habitable room.
   (f)   Minimum Clearance and Maximum Height.
      (1)   There shall be not less than seven (7) feet, six (6) inches in the clear between any point of a fixed awning and the sidewalk, walk, or ground surface directly below, and no part of such awning shall be more than twelve (12) feet above such sidewalk, walk, or ground surface, except that such latter distance may be twenty (20) feet where the awning will not obstruct rescue through windows above the awning.
      (2)   The maximum overall vertical dimension between top and bottom of any such fixed awning measured at the building face shall be three (3) feet; the maximum overall vertical dimension between top and bottom of such awning at its outermost projection shall be ten (10) inches; and the maximum overall vertical dimension between top and bottom at the midpoint of projection shall be twenty-three (23) inches; except that under conditions where undue hardship would otherwise result, the Commissioner may approve vertical dimensions of four (4) feet at the building face and twenty-nine (29) inches at the midpoint of projection.
   (g)   Construction.
      (1)   Fixed awnings shall be constructed throughout of noncombustible material, except that glass or other fragile material shall not be used in any part of such awning.
      (2)   Fixed awnings shall be constructed to withstand snow loads and other loads incidental to serve performed, and maximum applied in any direction.
      (3)   Fixed awnings shall be rigidly attached to the building or structure by bracketing or cantilevering.
      (4)   Any fixed awning which is not constructed to permit the passage of rain or snow through open slots, slats, or louvers in the roof of the awning, or so arranged, designed, and erected that the discharge of rain water from the fixed awning at any point is not excessive and does not create a nuisance, shall be equipped with gutters or drains and downspouts to conduct water to the public drainage system and prevent flow upon pedestrians.
      (5)   Ferrous metal or other material subject to corrosion when exposed to the weather, used in the construction of fixed awnings, shall be not lighter than twenty (20) U.S. gauge except that lighter gauge may be used for applied members, supported nonstructural parts, and decorative trim.
   (h)   Signs. Signs attached to fixed awnings shall conform to the applicable provisions of Chapter 3113.