107.01   Required Information to be Published
107.02   Required Press Releases
107.03   Calculation of Estimates
107.04   Format for Publishing Information
107.05   Date of Publication
107.06   Publication in City Record
§ 107.01 Required Information to be Published
   The Mayor, with the assistance of the Department of Finance, is authorized and directed to publish annually:
   (a)   Estimates of the extent to which locally generated Federal tax dollars are used for military purposes, specifically including the estimates indicated in subsections (b), (c) and (d) of this section;
   (b)   An estimate of the amount of money proposed to be spent for military and related items by the Federal government according to the latest Federal budget per person and for Cuyahoga County using an allocation based on population alone to be calculated as described in Section 107.03;
   (c)   An estimate of the portion of the Federal funds budget proposed to be spent for military related items, according to the latest Federal budget to be calculated as described in Section 107.03;
   (d)   An estimate of the taxes paid per person and for Cuyahoga County for military related expenditures for the most recent year in which data are available, to be calculated as described in Section 107.03.
(Ord. No. 2179-86. Passed 2-9-87, eff. 2-11-87)
§ 107.02 Required Press Releases
   The Mayor is authorized and directed to cause a press release containing the information listed in Section 107.01 to be issued to television stations WKYC, WEWS, WJW, the wire services UPI and AP, the Cleveland Plain Dealer, the Akron Beacon Journal, the Call and Post, all Sun Newspapers which serve the City of Cleveland, at least five (5) radio stations which serve the City of Cleveland and any other media outlets which the Mayor chooses to include.
(Ord. No. 2179-86. Passed 2-9-87, eff. 2-11-87)
§ 107.03 Calculation of Estimates
   The estimates required in Section 107.01 shall be calculated as follows:
   (a)   Calculations based on the Federal budget shall be done using the Budget of the United States Government for the Fiscal Year beginning on October 1st of the same calendar year for which this report is to be published;
   (b)   As an intermediate step, the total proposed military related expenditure shall be calculated by adding the proposed outlays for the following spending categories listed in Table 15 of the Budget of the United States Government, Fiscal Year 1986; 050-National Defense; 152-Internal Security Assistance; the subsection entitled Department of Defense-Civil of Category 602-Federal Employment Retirement and Disability; 700-Veterans Benefits and Services and sixty percent (60%) of the category 901-Interest on the Public Debt;
   (c)   The estimate of military related spending per person required in Section 107.01 (b) shall be calculated by dividing the total proposed military related expenditure as calculated in Section 107.03 (b) by the population of the United States of America, according to the most recently published decennial census;
   (d)   The estimate of military related spending allocated to Cuyahoga County shall be calculated by multiplying the per person estimate calculated in Section 107.03 (c) by the population of Cuyahoga County according to the most recently published decennial census;
   (e)   The estimate of the portion of the Federal funds budget that is military related required in Section 107.01 (c) shall be calculated by dividing the total proposed military related expenditure as calculated in Section 107.03 (b) by the total proposed Federal funds expenditure as listed in memorandum at the end of Table 15 of the Budget of the United States Government, Fiscal Year 1986, and converting the ratio to a percentage expressed to the nearest tenth of one percent (0.10%);
   (f)   As part of the information required for Section 107.01 (d), the total taxes paid in Cuyahoga County for each of the following taxes as listed in Table 2 of the Budget of the United States Government, Fiscal year 1986 shall be obtained; individual income taxes, corporation income taxes, estate and gift taxes, and customs duties. In addition, sixty percent (60%) of the excise taxes shall be included as an estimate of the Federal funds portion of the excise taxes. A total for the above taxes shall be determined;
   (g)   The tax collections described in Section 107.03 (f) shall be determined using official government data for Cuyahoga County for the most recent year available whenever possible. State data pro- rated based on population may be used when county data is not available. All totals for tax collections shall be based on the same collection year;
   (h)   The estimated allocation to military related spending for each tax shall be obtained by multiplying the tax collected in each category by the portion of the Federal funds budget that is military related, as calculated in Section 107.03 (c);
   (i)   The estimated allocation to military related spending per person for each tax shall be obtained by dividing each of the estimated allocations for Cuyahoga County obtained in Section 107.03 (h) by the population of Cuyahoga County, according to the most recently published decennial census.
(Ord. No. 2179-86. Passed 2-9-87, eff. 2-11-87)
§ 107.04 Format for Publishing Information
   The information required in Section 107.01 shall be published in the following format:
   “Local Military Spending Estimates”. In accordance with this chapter, the following estimates of Federal tax monies to be collected from Cuyahoga County and estimates of the share of those monies to be used for military purposes are released publicly in the information provided below.
   1.   Proposed military and military related spending, Fiscal Year ______.
Allocation for Cuyahoga County
Allocation per Person
   2.   Portion of the Fiscal Year ______ Federal funds budget allocated for military and military related purposes: ______%.
   3.   Federal tax collections in Cuyahoga County and allocations to military and military related spending:
Tax Source
Total Collections
Cuyahoga County
Allocation for
Military Spending
Per Person Allocation for
Military Spending
Individual Income Tax
Corporation Income Tax
Estate & Gift Tax
Customs Duties
60% of Excise Tax
   Note: The above estimates are based on Federal, State or County data, and the City of Cleveland is not the source of any of the data. The estimates are calculated as prescribed in this chapter. Sources of data and methods of computation are available on request from the Director of Finance, City of Cleveland, City Hall, 601 Lakeside Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio 44114.
(Ord. No. 2179-86. Passed 2-9-87, eff. 2-11-87)