§ 346.10 Submission Requirements
   In addition to otherwise required plans and information, any application to establish a Live-Work Unit or to change the use of a Live-Work Unit, including the work use, shall identify the nature of the work activities to be performed in the Live-Work Unit and shall be accompanied by a floor plan that identifies those areas to be used as living space and those areas to be used as Work Space. Such plan shall also identify the nature and location of equipment, furnishings or other improvements that cause the Work Space to meet the definition in division (b) of Section 346.02. For applications subject to the conditional use provisions of Section 346.06, the owner or lessor of the property shall demonstrate that the environmental condition of the property is not harmful to human health and safety and is safe for residential use. Such demonstration may be made through the issuance of a “No Further Action” Letter by a Certified Professional pursuant to the requirements for residential sites of RC Chapter 3746 et seq. (the “Ohio Voluntary Action Program”). A “No Further Action” Letter shall not relieve the owner or lessor from compliance with any applicable municipal, state or federal law. If the applicant does not possess a “No Further Action” Letter as described above, the applicant must submit a Phase I or Phase 2 environmental assessment, as applicable, to demonstrate that the site meets environmental standards for residential use. If an environmental assessment shows environmental threats to residential occupancy, then the owner must demonstrate that those conditions have been abated.
(Ord. No. 1233-15. Passed 11-9-15, eff. 11-11-15)