(a) No person shall cause or allow the discharge into the atmosphere of any visible emission from any air contaminant source or control equipment engaged in the processing or manufacturing of any asbestos- containing product.
(b) No person shall cause or allow the demolition of any building or structure, or parts thereof, where a risk of public exposure to asbestos fibers from the dislodging of asbestos containing materials is present, or without obtaining a permit to demolish from the Commissioner of Building, as required by Section 277.02(a). Adequate precautions to prevent or reduce asbestos dust emissions shall be taken as prescribed in Section 277.02(a).
(c) Spraying of Asbestos Containing Products.
(1) No person shall cause or allow the use of asbestos containing spray products for outdoor application to surfaces.
(2) No person shall cause or allow the use of any asbestos-containing spray product for the indoor application to surfaces without obtaining a permit to spray such product from the Commissioner. The permit fee shall be based on the cost basis as set forth in Section 263.01.
(3) Application for permit to spray any asbestos containing spray product for the indoor application to surfaces shall be made on forms prepared by the Commissioner and shall contain such information as the Commissioner deems necessary.
(4) No permit for the spraying of any asbestos-containing spray product for the indoor application to surfaces shall be granted until the applicant proves to the satisfaction of the Commissioner that:
A. Adequate containment of dust and overspray shall be furnished;
B. Provisions for complete clean-up after spraying shall be provided;
C. Sufficient and approved respiratory devices and clothing shall be used by all workers and other persons present;
D. One (1) person shall be assigned full time supervisory authority for all aspects of the operation.
(5) Failure of a person to comply with any of the requirements of subsection (c)(4) hereof shall be sufficient grounds for the Commissioner to revoke any permit.
(Ord. No. 857-A-76. Passed 6-27-77, eff. 6-30-77)
(a) Emission Standard. No person shall cause or allow the discharge to the atmosphere from any air contaminant source or control equipment the emission of greater than ten (10) grams of beryllium in any twenty-four (24) hour period, except as provided in subsection (b) hereof.
(b) In lieu of the requirement in subsection (a) hereof, an owner or operator may request written approval from the Commissioner to meet an ambient air concentration limit, at the property line where the emissions originate, of one-hundredth (0.01) micrograms per cubic meter, averaged over any consecutive thirty (30) day period. Approval of such tests may be granted by the Commissioner provided that:
(1) At least three (3) years of data is available which demonstrates to the satisfaction of the Commissioner that the ambient limit shall not be exceeded;
(2) The owner or operator submits a report to the Commissioner within ninety (90) days after the effective date of the Code as provided in Section 281.02, and such report includes the following additional information: a complete description of sampling methods and analysis; averaging technique; factors affecting dispersion; and air sampling data, including concentration and location where measurements were made.
(c) No person shall cause or allow the burning of beryllium and/or beryllium containing waste except in incinerators, which shall comply with the emission standards in subsection (a) hereof and all applicable provisions of the Code.
(d) Ambient Air Monitoring for Beryllium.
(1) Air contaminant sources or control equipment subject to subsection (b) hereof shall locate air monitoring sites in accordance with a plan approved by the Commissioner. Such sites shall be located in such a manner as is calculated to detect maximum concentrations of beryllium in the ambient air.
(2) Monitoring sites shall be operated continuously except for reasonable allowance for maintenance, calibration, changing filters or repair.
(3) Filters shall be analyzed and concentrations calculated within thirty (30) days after filters are collected. Records shall be retained for a minimum of two (2) years and shall be made available for inspection by the Commissioner or his or her representative.
(4) Concentrations measured at all monitoring sites shall be reported to the Commissioner every thirty (30) days.
(Ord. No. 857-A-76. Passed 6-27-77, eff. 6-30-77)
(a) No person shall cause or allow the discharge into the atmosphere from any air contaminant source or control equipment the emission of greater than two thousand three hundred (2,300) grams of mercury in any twenty-four (24) hour period, except as set forth in subsection (b) hereof.
(b) No person shall cause or allow the discharge into the atmosphere from sludge incineration plants, sludge drying plants or a combination thereof that processes wastewater treatment plant sludges, greater than three thousand two hundred (3,200) grams of mercury per twenty-four (24) hour period.
(Ord. No. 857-A-76. Passed 6-27-77, eff. 6-30-77)