253.01   Maximum Concentrations, Non- Degradation
   Ambient air defined, CO 251.05
   Ambient air quality standards defined, CO 251.06
§ 253.01 Maximum Concentrations, Non- Degradation
   (a)   Concentrations of contaminants in the ambient air in excess of the concentrations and time durations specified in the following sections shall constitute a condition of undesirable air quality, and shall be applicable in all areas of the City. Such standards are to be attained at the earliest possible date, but in no event later than that date established by regulation of the Director of the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency. All measurements of ambient air quality are corrected to standard conditions.
   (b)   Suspended Particulate Matter.
      (1)   The maximum annual geometric mean concentration shall not exceed sixty (60) micrograms per cubic meter.
      (2)   The maximum twenty-four (24) hour concentration, not to be exceeded more than once per year, shall be one hundred fifty (150) micrograms per cubic meter.
   (c)   Sulfur Dioxide.
      (1)   The maximum annual arithmetic mean concentration shall not exceed sixty (60) micrograms per cubic meter (twenty-three thousandths (0.023) parts per million (1,000,000) by volume).
      (2)   The maximum twenty-four (24) hour concentration, not to be exceeded more than once per year, shall be two hundred sixty (260) micrograms per cubic meter (one-tenth (0.10) parts per million (1,000,000) by volume).
      (3)   The maximum three (3) hour concentration, not to be exceeded more than once per year, shall be one thousand three hundred (1,300) micrograms per cubic meter (five-tenths (0.50) parts per million (1,000,000) by volume).
   (d)   Carbon Monoxide.
      (1)   The maximum eight (8) hour arithmetic mean concentration, not to be exceeded more than one (1) eight (8) hour period per year, shall be ten (10) milligrams per cubic meter (nine (9) parts per million (1,000,000) by volume).
   (e)   Photochemical Oxidants.
      (1)   The maximum one (1) hour arithmetic mean concentration shall not exceed one hundred nineteen (119) micrograms per cubic meter (six- hundredths (0.06) parts per million (1,000,000) by volume).
      (2)   The maximum four (4) hour arithmetic mean concentration, not to be exceeded more than one (1) consecutive four (4) hour period per year, shall be seventy-nine (79) micrograms per cubic meter (four- hundredths (0.04) parts per million (1,000,000) by volume).
      (3)   The maximum twenty-four (24) hour arithmetic mean concentration, not to be exceeded more than one (1) day per year, shall be forty (40) micrograms per cubic meter (two-hundredths (0.02) parts per million (1,000,000) by volume).
   (f)   Hydrocarbons.
      (1)   The maximum three (3) hour arithmetic mean concentration of non-methane hydrocarbons shall not exceed one hundred twenty-six (126) micrograms per cubic meter (nineteen hundredths (0.19) parts per million (1,000,000) by volume measured as carbon) between the hours of 6:00 a.m. and 9:00 am.
      (2)   The maximum twenty-four (24) hour arithmetic mean concentration of non-methane hydrocarbons, not to be exceeded more than one (1) day per year, shall be three hundred thirty-one (331) micrograms per cubic meter (five-tenths (0.50) parts per million (1,000,000) by volume measure as carbon).
   (g)   Nitrogen Dioxide.
      (1)   The maximum annual arithmetic mean concentration shall not exceed one hundred (100) micrograms per cubic meter (five-hundredths (0.05) parts per million (1,000,000) by volume).
   (h)   Non-Degradation Policy.
      (1)   The significant and avoidable deterioration of air quality in any part of the City where presently existing air quality is equal to or better than that required by the adopted standards shall be prohibited.
(Ord. No. 857-A-76. Passed 6-27-77, eff. 6-30-77)