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Christopher Overview
Christopher, IL Code of Ordinances
Districts and Map Generally
1262.01   Division of City and territory outside corporate limits into districts.
1262.02   District Zoning Map.
1262.03   Lots in more than one district.
1262.04   Determination of boundary lines.
1262.05   Annexations of territory.
1262.06   Conformity required.
   Amendments of districts - see Ill. R.S. Ch. 24, Sec. 11-13-14
   Eminent domain - see Ill. R.S. Ch. 24, Sec. 11-13-17
   Official Zoning Map - see Ill. R.S. Ch. 24, Sec. 11-13-19
   Wards and boundaries - see ADM. Ch. 206
   For the purposes of this Zoning Code, and to classify, regulate and restrict the location of trades, industries, dwellings and other specified uses, and to regulate the erection, construction, alteration and use of buildings, structures and land, and to regulate and limit the intensity of the use of lot areas, and to regulate and determine the area of yards, courts and other open spaces within and surrounding such buildings or structures, and for other purposes specifically specified in this Zoning Code, the territory within the corporate limits of the City and the following described territory, contiguous to and not more than one and one-half miles beyond the corporate limits and not included within the corporate limits of any other municipality, to wit: Beginning at the southeast corner of Section 31, Township 6, south, Range 2, east, of the Third Principal Meridian, in Franklin County, thence west along the land line to the southwest comer of the east one-half of the southeast one-fourth of Section 34, Township 6, south, Range 1, east, of the Third Principal Meridian, thence north along the land line to the northwest corner of the east one-half of the southeast one-fourth of Section 22, Township 6, south, Range 1, east, of the Third Principal Meridian, thence east along the land line and the southern boundary line of the Village of North City to the northwest corner of the east one-half of the southeast one-fourth of Section 19, Township 6, south, Range 2, east, of the Third Principal Meridian, thence south along the land line and the western boundary line of the Village of Buckner to the southwest corner of the northeast one-fourth of the northeast one-fourth of Section 30, Township 6, south, Range 2, east, of the Third Principal Meridian, thence east along the land line and the southern boundary line of the Village of Buckner to the section line, thence south along the section lines to the point of beginning, including the City of Christopher, but excluding the territory included within the corporate limits of the Village of Urbain, is hereby divided into nine classes of districts, as follows:
      "A-1"   Agricultural Districts
      "R-1"   One-Family Residential or Dwelling Districts
      "R-2"   One-Family Residential or Dwelling Districts
      "R-3"   One and Two-Family Residential or Dwelling Districts
      "R-4"   Multifamily Residential Districts
      "B-1"   Secondary Business Districts
      "B-2"   Primary Business Districts
      "M-1"   Light Industrial Districts
      "M-2"   General Industrial Districts
(Ord. 340. Passed 12-19-66.)
   The boundaries of the districts are established and show upon the map of the territory described in Section 1262.01, which map is hereby, by reference, made a part of this Zoning Code and is officially designated as the "District Zoning Map, City of Christopher." Such Map and all notations, references and other information shown thereon now, or as the same may be lawfully amended hereafter, are a part of this Zoning Code and shall have the same force and effect as if such Map and all the notations, references and other information shown thereon were all fully set forth or described herein, the original of which Map is properly attested by, and is on file with, the City Clerk. Such Map is hereinafter referred to as the "District Map" for all purposes.
(Ord. 340. Passed 12-19-66.)
   Where a district boundary line divides a lot which was in single ownership and of record at the time of the enactment of this Zoning Code (Ordinance 340, passed December 19, 1966), the use authorized on, and the district requirements applying to, the less restricted portion of such lot shall be considered as extending and shall extend to the entire lot, provided that the more restricted portion of such lot is within not more than fifty feet of such district boundary line.
(Ord. 340. Passed 12-19-66.)