Office of City Auditor
120.01   Office of City Auditor.
120.02   Personnel in Auditor’s office.
120.03   Clerk-typists. (Repealed)
120.04   Federal General Revenue Sharing Trust Fund.
120.05   Self-insurance for general liability.
120.06   Compliance with State Auditor inventory procedures.
120.07   Bad check charge.
120.08   Accounting and reporting procedures.
120.09   Indigent Driver’s Alcohol Treatment Fund.
120.10   Payments for indigent burials.
120.11   Claims against insurance policy proceeds for payment of property taxes and costs of removal or repair of premises in certain fire losses.
120.12   Payroll policy.
120.13   Identity Theft Policy.
120.14   Competitive bidding for construction work.
120.15   Blanket purchase orders.
120.16      Financial policies and procedures.
Election and term - see Ohio R.C. 733.10
Books and accounts - see Ohio R.C. 733.11 et seq.
Duty as to receiving bids - see Ohio R.C. 733.18
Treasury Investment Board member - see ADM. 119.01
Real Estate Appraisal and Option Board member - see ADM. 119.02
City Records Commission member - see ADM. 135.01