Tank trucks, tank trailers and semitrailers shall be equipped with artificial lighting, conforming to the requirements of the state regulations. Lighting circuits shall have suitable over-current protection such as fuses or automatic circuit breakers. The wiring shall be of ample carrying capacity and mechanical strength and shall be substantially secured, insulated and protected against damage. No lighting other than electric lighting shall be permitted on any tank truck, tank trailer or tank semitrailer. Every tank trailer and tank semitrailer shall be provided with side lights and a taillight or lights.
(Prior code § 129.1-95)
Each tank truck, tank trailer and semitrailer shall be equipped and maintained with at least one hand fire extinguisher of a type suitable for extinguishing flammable liquid fires. Fire extinguishers shall be kept in good operating condition at all times and shall be located in an accessible place on such tank vehicles.
(Prior code § 129.1-96)
The exhaust system, including muffler and exhaust line, shall have not less than 12 inches clearance from the fuel system and any combustible material, and shall not be exposed to accumulations of grease or oil, nor to leakage of fuel from faults in the fuel system or from careless filling of fuel tanks. No muffler cutouts shall be permitted.
(Prior code § 129.1-97)
Every tank motor vehicle used for the transportation of flammable liquids shall have the word "FLAMMABLE" displayed in English on both sides and rear of the tank in letters not less than five inches high by at least a one-inch stroke, and on the front bumper in letters not less than four inches high by at least a one-inch stroke, each on a background of sharply contrasting color, except that the lettering on vehicles used exclusively for local distribution need not exceed five inches in height by at least a three-fourths inch stroke.
(Prior code § 129.1-98)
Any tank truck, tank trailer or semitrailer constructed in accordance with the Department of Transportation regulations shall be deemed to be in compliance with the regulations given in Section 15-24-1090 of this Code.
(Prior code § 129.1-98.1)