Every dry cleaning room shall have means of natural ventilation as required under Section 15-28-260 for material heating rooms. In addition to the natural ventilation required by this section, there shall be a mechanical ventilating system which shall exhaust air from the room as provided by Title 14M.
(Prior code § 129.1-89; Amend Coun. J. 10-7-20, p. 21791, Art. VI, § 49)
(a) Tank Truck. Any motor vehicle used for the transportation of flammable liquids and which for such purpose is provided with a tank or tanks mounted on the frame or chassis of such vehicle.
(b) Tank Trailer. Any vehicle without its own motive power but drawn by a motor vehicle, used for the transportation of flammable liquids and which for such purpose is provided with a tank or tanks mounted thereon.
(c) Tank Semitrailer. A vehicle of the tank trailer type so designed and used in conjunction with a motor vehicle that when in use a part of its own weight and load is supported by the motor vehicle.
(d) Fuel Tank. The tank designed to contain only the fuel to be used by the engine of the truck upon which it is mounted.
(Prior code § 129.1-90)
Tank trucks, tank trailers and semitrailers shall be equipped with rubber tires. Tank trucks and tank trailers shall be operated on not less than four wheels. Tank trailers shall have a fifth wheel or equivalent device to prevent dangerous swerving from the path of the towing vehicle. Tank semitrailers shall be operated on not less than two wheels.
(Prior code § 129.1-92)
Tank trucks, tank trailers and semitrailers shall be equipped with artificial lighting, conforming to the requirements of the state regulations. Lighting circuits shall have suitable over-current protection such as fuses or automatic circuit breakers. The wiring shall be of ample carrying capacity and mechanical strength and shall be substantially secured, insulated and protected against damage. No lighting other than electric lighting shall be permitted on any tank truck, tank trailer or tank semitrailer. Every tank trailer and tank semitrailer shall be provided with side lights and a taillight or lights.
(Prior code § 129.1-95)
Each tank truck, tank trailer and semitrailer shall be equipped and maintained with at least one hand fire extinguisher of a type suitable for extinguishing flammable liquid fires. Fire extinguishers shall be kept in good operating condition at all times and shall be located in an accessible place on such tank vehicles.
(Prior code § 129.1-96)