15-24-360 Transfer to portable containers.
   Class I flammable liquids, other than motor fuels, shall be dispensed from tank trucks into portable containers under the following conditions:
   (a)   The portable container and the tank truck shall be electrically interconnected and positively grounded during filling operations.
   (b)   The container used shall be an approved safety can or a metal drum.
   (c)   Smoking shall not be allowed during filling operations. No other ignition sources shall be within 20 feet unless necessary for the transfer of the flammable liquid.
   (d)   Actual filling operations shall be conducted outside the building. Safety clearances of ten feet shall be maintained between the filling operations and any structure. Provided, however, filling operations may be conducted inside a building or room designed for flammable liquid use, if a fixed piping system is used from the truck located outside the building and entering directly into the building or room designed for flammable liquid use.
(Prior code §  129.1-28)