14E-2-200 Use and identification of grounded conductors.
14E-2-210 Branch circuits.
14E-2-215 Feeders.
14E-2-220 Branch circuits, feeders, and service calculations.
14E-2-225 Outside branch circuits and feeders.
14E-2-230 Services.
14E-2-240 Overcurrent protection.
14E-2-250 Grounding and bonding.
14E-2-280 Surge arresters, over 1,000 volts.
14E-2-285 Surge protective devices (SPDs), 1,000 volts or less.
The provisions of Article 200 of NFPA 70 are adopted by reference with the following modification:
1. Insert new subsection 200.5 to read:
"Color Code of Grounded Branch Circuit and Grounded Feeder Circuit Conductors. Grounded branch circuit and grounded feeder circuit conductors shall be identified in accordance with either 200.5 (A) or (B), as applicable.
(A) 150 Volts to Ground or Less. The grounded conductor of branch circuit and feeder conductors rated 150 volts to ground or less shall be identified by a continuous white outer finish.
(B) Over 150 Volts to Ground. The grounded conductor of branch circuit and feeder conductors rated over 150 volts to ground shall be identified by a continuous gray outer finish."
The provisions of Article 210 of NFPA 70 are adopted by reference with the following modifications:
1. Revise subsection 210.5(C)(1) to read:
"Branch Circuit Ungrounded Conductors. Branch circuit ungrounded conductors:
(a) Rated 150 volts to ground or less shall use the following color code: black, red, and blue.
(b) Rated over 150 volts to ground shall use the following color code: brown, orange, and yellow
(c) On a 4-wire, delta-connected system where the midpoint of one phase winding is grounded, the high phase branch circuit conductor shall be durably and permanently marked by an outer finish that is orange in color."
2. Revise subsection 210.6(C) to read:
"277 Volts to Ground. Circuits exceeding 120 volts, nominal, between conductors and not exceeding 277 volts, nominal, to ground shall be permitted to supply the following:
(1) Listed electric-discharge or listed light-emitting diode-type luminaires where:
(a) The luminaires shall be installed at least 2.44 m (8 ft) above the floor
(b) the luminaires shall be permanently installed
(c) switching shall be controlled by low voltage control relays or by listed circuit breakers used as switches and marked SWD or HID
(2) Luminaires equipped with mogul-base screw shell lampholders that comply with 210.6(C)(1) requirements
(3) Cord-and-plug-connected or permanently-connected utilization equipment"
3. Insert a new subsection 210.6(F) to read:
"Regular Inspection and Maintenance. The owner of any building utilizing equipment at voltages exceeding 150 volts, nominal, to ground or distribution systems at voltages exceeding 600 volts, nominal, to ground shall employ a supervising electrician or contract with an electrical contractor for the regular inspection and maintenance of such equipment or distribution system."
4. Revise subsection 210.11 by inserting the following language before subsection (A):
"Informational Note: See 210.12 and exceptions for arc-fault circuit-interrupter (AFCI) protection requirements."
5. Revise subsection 210.12 to read:
"Arc-Fault Circuit-Interrupter Protection. Arc-fault circuit-interrupter protection shall be provided as required in 210.12(A), (B), and (C). The arc-fault circuit interrupter shall be installed in a readily accessible location.
(A) Dwelling Units. All 120-volt, single phase, 15- and 20-ampere branch circuits supplying outlets and devices installed in dwelling units shall be protected by a listed arc-fault circuit interrupter, combination-type, installed to provide protection of the branch circuit.
(B) Dormitory Units. All 120-volt, single phase, 15- and 20-ampere branch circuits supplying outlets and devices installed in dormitory units shall be protected as described in 210.12(A).
(C) Guest Rooms and Guest Suites. All 120-volt, single-phase, 15- and 20-ampere branch circuits supplying outlets and devices installed in guest suites and guest rooms of hotels and motels shall be protected as described in 210.12(A).
(D) Branch Circuit Extensions or Modifications – Dwelling Units and Dormitory Units. In any of the areas specified in 210.12(A) or (B), where branch-circuit wiring is modified, replaced or extended, the branch-circuit shall be protected by one of the following:
(1) A listed combination-type AFCI located at the origin or the branch circuit.
(2) A listed outlet branch-circuit type AFCI located at the first outlet of the existing branch circuit.
Exception No. 1 to 210.12(A), (B), and (C): It shall be permitted to omit AFCI protection for that portion of the branch circuit enclosed in rigid metal conduit (RMC), flexible metal conduit (FMC), intermediate metal conduit (IMC), electrical metal tubing (EMT), or Type MI cable sheath meeting the requirements of 250.118 along with metal outlet and junction boxes.
Exception No. 2 to 210.12(D): It shall be permitted to omit AFCI protection for that portion of the branch circuit installed in rigid metal conduit (RMC), flexible metal conduit (FMC), intermediate metal conduit (IMC), electrical metal tubing (EMT), or steel sheathed cable, Type AC, Type MC, or Type MI cable sheath, meeting the requirements of 250.118, with metal outlet and junction boxes.
Exception No. 3 to 210.12(A), (B), (C) and (D): Where an individual branch circuit to a fire alarm system is installed in accordance with 760.41(B) or 760.121(B) is installed in rigid metal conduit (RMC), intermediate metal conduit (IMC), electrical metal tubing (EMT), or Type MI Cable sheath meeting the requirements of 250.118, with metal outlet and junction boxes, AFCI protection shall be permitted to be omitted.
Informational Note No. 1: For information on types of arc-fault circuit interrupters, see UL 1699, Standard for Arc-Fault Circuit Interrupters.
Informational Note No. 2: See 11.6.3(5) of NFPA 72, National Fire Alarm and Signaling Code, for information related to secondary power supply requirements for smoke alarms installed in dwelling units.
Informational Note No. 3: See 760.41(B) and 760.121(B) for power-supply requirements for fire alarm systems."
6. Revise subsection 210.19(A) to read, with no changes to subsections (A)(2) to (A)(4):
"Branch Circuits Not More Than 600 Volts.
Informational Note No. 1: See 310.15 for ampacity ratings of conductors.
Informational Note No. 2: See Part II of Article 430 for minimum rating of motor branch-circuit conductors.
Informational Note No. 3: See 310.15(A)(3) for temperature limitation of conductors.
Informational Note No. 4: See 215.2(A)(1) for voltage drop requirements on feeder conductors.
(1) General. Branch-circuit conductors shall have an ampacity not less than the maximum load to be served. Conductors shall be sized to carry not less than the larger of 210.19(A)(1)(a) or (b).
(a) Where a branch circuit supplies continuous loads or any combination of continuous and noncontinuous loads, the minimum branch-circuit conductor size shall have an allowable ampacity not less than the noncontinuous load plus 125 percent of the continuous load.
(b) The minimum branch-circuit conductor size shall have an allowable ampacity not less than the maximum load to be served after the application of any adjustment or correction factors.
Exception: If the assembly, including the overcurrent devices protecting the branch circuit(s), is listed for operation at 100 percent of its rating, the allowable ampacity of the branch-circuit conductors shall be permitted to be not less than the sum of the continuous load plus the noncontinuous load.
Conductors for branch circuits, as defined in Article 100, shall be sized to prevent a voltage drop not to exceed 3 percent at the farthest outlet of power, heating, and lighting loads, or combinations of such loads, and so that the maximum total voltage drop on both feeders and branch circuits to the farthest outlet does not exceed 5 percent."
7. Revise subsection 210.19(B) to read:
"Branch Circuits Over 600 Volts. The ampacity of conductors shall be in accordance with 310.15 and 310.60 as applicable. Branch-circuit conductors over 600 volts shall be sized in accordance with 210.19(B)(1).
(1) General. The ampacity of branch-circuit conductors shall not be less than 125 percent of the designed potential load of utilization equipment that will be operated simultaneously."
8. Revise section 210.50 by deleting the informational note.
9. Insert new subsections 210.70(A)(2)(5) and (A)(2)(6) to read:
"(5) At least one wall switch-controlled lighting outlet shall be installed in clothes closets and other closets over 2.3
m2 (25 ft2). Closet luminaires shall be permanently installed lighting outlets.
(6) At least one wall switch-controlled lighting outlet shall be installed over each sink or basin located in a room or area that is greater than 5.95
m2 (64 ft2). Such lighting outlets shall be in addition to the general lighting outlets installed in the room or area."
(Amend Coun. J. 11-8-17, p. 59720, § 11; Amend Coun. J. 1-23-19, p. 94952, Art. I, § 16)
The provisions of Article 215 of NFPA 70 are adopted by reference with the following modifications:
1. Revise subsection 215.2(A)(1)(b) to read:
(b) The minimum feeder conductor size shall have an allowable ampacity not less than the maximum load to be served after the application of any adjustment or correction factors.
Informational Note No. 1: See Examples D1 through D11 in Informative Annex D.
Informational Note No. 2: See 210.19(A) for voltage drop requirements for branch circuits.
Conductors for feeders, as defined in Article 100, shall be sized to prevent a voltage drop not to exceed 3 percent at the farthest outlet of power, heating, and lighting loads, or combinations of such loads, and so that the maximum total voltage drop on both feeders and branch circuits to the farthest outlet does not exceed 5 percent."
2. Revise section 215.5 to read:
"Diagrams of Feeders. A diagram showing feeder details shall be provided to the authority having jurisdiction prior to the installation of the feeders in accordance with 215.5(A) and (B).
(A) Plans Required. For new or altered electrical systems, complete and detailed electrical plans are required prior to permit issuance for the following installations:
(1) Residential (Group R) occupancies in buildings greater than two stories in height
(2) Non-residential occupancies in buildings greater than one story in height or greater than 929 m
(10,000 ft
) in area
(3) Hazardous (classified) locations
(4) Health care facilities
(5) New or replacement services or feeders rated 400 amperes or greater
(6) New or replacement services or feeders exceeding 240 volts, nominal, to ground
(7) Service switchboards and motor control centers rated in excess of 1200 amperes or 600 volts
(8) Permanent generators
(9) New emergency lighting systems and repairs or alterations to required System I or System II emergency lighting systems
(10) Installation of electric vehicle supply equipment serving more than 3 parking spaces
(B) Plan Content. The plans shall include where applicable, the following:
(1) A single-line drawing of the service and distribution
(2) Schedule of conduits, wire, switches, circuit breakers, overcurrent devices, transformers, motors and luminaires
(3) Load calculations to verify sizes of services, feeders, and panelboards indicating available fault- current and withstand ratings
(4) Grounding electrode conductor or common grounding electrode conductor system
(5) Equipment layout in switchboard rooms and electrical closets indicating the working space required by 110.26"
3. Revise subsection 215.12(C)(1) to read:
"(1) Feeder Ungrounded Conductors. Feeder ungrounded conductors:
(a) Rated 150 volts to ground or less shall use the following color code: black, red, and blue.
(b) Rated over 150 volts to ground shall use the following color code: brown, orange, and yellow.
(c) On a 4-wire, delta-connected system where the midpoint of one phase winding is grounded, the high phase feeder conductor shall be durably and permanently marked by an outer finish that is orange in color."
(Amend Coun. J. 11-8-17, p. 59720, § 12; Amend Coun. J. 12-14-22, p. 58278, Art. IV, § 1)