14B-16-1607 Live loads.
The provisions of Section 1607 of IBC are adopted by reference with the following modifications:
1.   Revise Table 1607.1 by replacing “OCCUPANCY OR USE” with “FUNCTION OR USE” in the heading of the first column.
1.1.   Revise row 2 of Table 1607.1 to read:
2.   Access floor systems
Office use
Telecommunication equipment area
2.   Revise row 4 of Table 1607.1 by inserting an entry for "Dressing rooms" with a value of "40."
3.   Revise row 5 of Table 1607.1 to read:
5.   Porches, exterior balconies, decks and similar structures h
Accessible from a single dwelling unit
All others
300 f
300 f
4.   Revise row 9 of Table 1607.1 by adding "including associated kitchens" in the first column.
5.   Revise row 13 of Table 1607.1 be deleting the entry for "on single family dwellings only."
6.   Revise row 21 of Table 1607.1 to read:
21.   Mechanical Rooms
125 p
7.   Revise row 22 of Table 1607.1 to read:
22.   Offices
Corridors above first floor
File rooms other than high-density files
Telecommunication equipment areas
Lobbies and first-floor corridors
Offices and associated work areas, meeting rooms, break rooms, reception areas, and similar nonpublic gathering areas
125 p
8.   Revise row 25 of Table 1607.1 to read:
25.   Residential
Group R-3, R-4 and R-5 occupancies
Uninhabitable attics without storage i
Uninhabitable attics with storage i, j, k
All other areas
Group R-1 and R-2 occupancies
Private rooms and corridors serving them
Public rooms m and corridors serving them
9.   Revise row 26 of Table 1607.1 by deleting "except one- and two-family dwellings" and replacing "Occupiable roofs" with "Occupiable rooftops."
10.   Revise row 27 of Table 1607.1 by adding an entry for "Shops" with a uniform value of "100" and concentrated value of "2,000."
11.   Revise row 30 of Table 1607.1 by replacing "One- and two-family" with "Group R-5 (interior)."
12.   Revise row 31 of Table 1607.1 to read:
31.   Storage (shall be designed for heavier loads if required for anticipated storage)
Telecommunications equipment areas
250 n
125 n
100 p
13.   Revise note d to Table 1607.1 by replacing "an approved method" with "an accepted engineering practice."
14.   Revise note k to Table 1607.1 by replacing "habitable attics and sleeping rooms" with "all other areas."
15.   Revise note l to Table 1607.1 to read:
"l.   Areas of occupiable rooftops accessible from a single dwelling unit shall be designed in accordance with Row 5. Areas of roofs with vegetation and not intended for occupancy shall be designed in accordance with Section 1607.13.3."
16.   Add a new note p to Table 1607.1 to read:
"p.   Where actual fixed equipment loads are known, permanent aisles shall be allowed to be designed for a live load of 40 pounds per square foot and equipment areas shall be allowed to be designed for the actual dead loads."
17.   Revise Section 1607.2 to read:
"1607.2 Loads not specified.
For occupancies or uses not designated in Table 1607.1, the live load shall be approved by the building official."
18.   Revise item 1 in Section 1607.7.2 to read:
"1.   The actual operational loads, including outrigger reactions and contact areas of the vehicles."
19.   Revise the exception to Section 1607.7.3 by deleting "and are approved by the building official."
20.   Revise exception 1 to Section 1607.8.1 to read:
"1.   For Group R-5 occupancies and within individual dwelling units, only the single concentrated load required by Section 1607.8.1.1 shall be applied."
21.   Revise Section 1607.9 to replace "an approved method" with "an accepted engineering practice."
21.1.   Revise Section 1607.10.4 to read:
"1607.10.4 Fall arrest, lifeline, and rope descent system anchorages.
In addition to any other applicable live loads, fall arrest, lifeline, and rope descent system anchorages and structural elements that support these anchorages shall be designed for a live load of not less than 3,100 pounds (13.8 kN) for each attached line, in any direction that the load can be applied. Anchorages of horizontal lifelines and the structural elements that support these anchorages shall be designed for the maximum tension that develops in the horizontal lifeline from these live loads."
22.   Revise Section 1607.13 to delete "and marquees."
23.   Revise Section 1607.13.2 to delete "and marquees."
24.   Revise Section 1607.13.3 to read:
"1607.13.3 Occupiable rooftops.
Occupiable rooftops and vegetative roofs are permitted to have their uniformly distributed live loads reduced in accordance with Section 1607.11 for floors."
25.   Delete Section 1607.15.2.
(Amend Coun. J. 2-19-20, p. 14473, Art. II, § 73; Amend Coun. J. 10-7-20, p. 21791, Art. II, § 28; Amend Coun. J. 1-26-22, p. 43756, Art. II, § 17; Amend Coun. J. 1-24-24, p. 8634, Art. IV, § 5)