14B-4-411 Special amusement buildings.
The provisions of Section 411 of IBC are adopted by reference with the following modifications:
1.   Delete Section 411.5.
2.   Revise Section 411.6 and its subsections to read:
"411.6 Exit marking.
Exit signs shall be installed at the required exit or exit access doorways of amusement buildings in accordance with this section and Section 1013. Directional exit markings, acceptable to the fire code official, shall be provided. Where mirrors, mazes or other designs are utilized that disguise the path of egress travel such that they are not apparent, listed low-level exit signs that comply with Section 1013, and directional path markings listed in accordance with UL 1994, shall be provided and located not more than 8 inches (203 mm) above the walking surface and on or near the path of egress travel. Such markings shall become visible in an emergency. The directional exit marking shall be activated by the automatic fire detection system and the automatic sprinkler system in accordance with Section 907.2.11."