11-5-240 Educating customers about recycling – Required.
   (a)   All private haulers shall provide their recycling customers with a written instructional manual describing the recyclable material collection service being provided to the customer by the hauler. Such manual shall include, but is not limited to, the following information: (1) the definition of source-separated recycling; (2) why it is important to recycle; (3) the list of material accepted and specifically prohibited for recycling as set forth in Section 11-5-080; (4) how to prepare recyclable material for handling by the hauler; (5) how to prevent contamination of recyclable material; and (6) the address of the Department's City of Chicago website, where this ordinance shall be posted and where additional information about disposal, reuse and recycling options can be obtained.
   (b)   Private haulers shall notify their recycling customers in writing of any change that the private hauler makes to the recyclable material collection service being provided by such hauler to the refuse collection customer. Such written notification shall be provided by the private hauler to the recycling customer at least 10 calendar days in advance of such change.
(Added Coun. J. 7-20-16, p. 28694, § 1)