Five years from the effective date of the agreement, and on each fifth anniversary of that date throughout the duration of the agreement, the commissioner shall provide a report to the committee on the advisability of (a) convening an adjustment board pursuant to Section 8.8.1 of the agreement for the purpose of seeking changes in the agreement, or (b) terminating the agreement. The report shall contain two sections. The first section shall recite relevant facts, including without limitation changes in laws, public regulations, economic conditions, or in the art or methods of providing electric energy and shall conclude with a recommendation to the committee on the advisability of transmitting a written demand for an adjustment board to consider the need for modification of the agreement or compact as to any issue other than term, municipal compensation, or municipal acquisition. The second section of the report shall recite current conditions in the financial markets, electric service rate levels and structures in comparable cities, and other factors that assist the commissioner in estimating the effect on ratepayers and on the city of terminating the agreement pursuant to Section 3.4(i) of the agreement, and shall conclude with a recommendation as to the advisability of so terminating the agreement. The committee shall vote on a motion to accept this report.
(Added Coun. J. 11-27-91, p. 10151)
Any report, document, record or other relevant information provided by the licensee pursuant to the agreement or compact including but not limited to the annual report required pursuant to Section 8.1 of the agreement, plant report required pursuant to Section 8.4 of the agreement, all filings provided pursuant to Section 8.5 of the agreement, and other enforcement information required under Section 8.6 of the agreement and reports relating to service interruptions provided pursuant to Section 2.2 of the compact shall also be provided by the commissioner to the committee not less than 15 days after such information is received.
(Added Coun. J. 11-27-91, p. 10151)
The commissioner shall obtain from the licensee a report of any review by the licensee of its procedures for annual inspection and surveillance of licensee's transmission substations and transmission distribution centers conducted pursuant to Section 2.1(d) of the compact.
(Added Coun. J. 11-27-91, p. 10151)
Whenever the licensee and the city meet regarding energy efficiency/DSM programs the commissioner shall file a report in writing within 15 days of such meeting to the committee. The contents of such report shall include but not be limited to matters related to design, implementation and expenditures.
(Added Coun. J. 11-27-91, p. 10151)
Accounting and supporting documentation, including program evaluations and estimated energy savings, related to energy efficiency/DSM programs implemented by the licensee shall be summarized by the commissioner and submitted to the committee on an annual basis.
(Added Coun. J. 11-27-91, p. 10151)
The advertising budget contemplated pursuant to Section 3.2 of the compact and the licensee's entire advertising budget shall be obtained by the commissioner from either the I.C.C. or licensee and provided to the committee on an annual basis.
(Added Coun. J. 11-27-91, p. 10151)