11-4-690 Annual certification of compliance.
   Every owner or operator of a facility with a certificate of operation issued in accordance with section 11-4-660 of this Code must certify annually to the commissioner that the facility continues to meet the standards for issuance of a certificate of operation, beginning one year from the date that the certificate was issued. The self-certification must be submitted in an appropriate form as prescribed by the commissioner prior to the expiration of the certificate of operation. Such self-certification shall include a sworn statement by the owner or operator of the subject facility either (1) stating that in the previous year, no repairs or modifications occurred that in any way affected the quantity or nature of air contaminants emitted or potentially emitted from the facility, and no changes were made at or to the subject facility that altered the information provided as part of its air pollution control permit application; or (2) describing any such changes in detail and stating any effect on emissions from the facility. Timely submission of the annual self-certification shall constitute renewal of the certificate of operation for an additional period of one year. Every owner or operator shall include the certificate of operation fee designated in section 11-4-680 along with the annual self-certification.
(Added Coun. J. 10-7-09, p. 73413, § 1)
Editor's note – Coun. J. 10-7-09, p. 73413, § 1, repealed former § 11-4-690, which pertained to specific opacity limitations.