10-36-220 Exemptions, waivers and reductions.
   (a)   The provisions of Section 10-36-190 above shall not be applicable (i) to aircraft owned or operated by the city, (ii) to other public aircraft except as otherwise provided therein or except to such extent as may be permitted under written agreements between the city and the governmental unit owning or operating such public aircraft or (iii) to an aircraft which lands at an airport other than its intended destination because of meteorological conditions, mechanical or operating causes or any similar emergency or precautionary reason outside of the reasonable control of the pilot.
   (b)   The commissioner of aviation may, at the commissioner's discretion, waive or reduce the aircraft landing fees and aircraft parking fees established by Section 10-36-190 for special events sponsored by the city and (iii) for a maximum of 50 operations per month per airport per organization for each of the following: (A) organizations whose purpose is to provide aviation- related educational programs to youth at no or nominal charge to the youth and (B) organizations whose purpose is to provide medical-related or similar humanitarian services at no or nominal charge to the recipients of such services.
(Prior code § 37-12.2; Amend Coun. J. 2-7-97, p. 38496; Amend Coun. J. 11-18-98, p. 84230, § 3; Amend Coun. J. 3-31-04, p. 20916, § 2.10)
10-36-230 Areas for parking, loading and unloading of aircraft.
   No person, firm, or corporation owning, operating, or in control of any aircraft shall park or store such aircraft in any area of an airport other than in a public aircraft parking area, or an area held under written agreement with the City of Chicago for such purposes.
   No person, firm, or corporation owning, operating, or in control of any aircraft shall load or unload, or attempt to load or unload, passenger(s), cargo, baggage, or mail in any combination thereof carried for hire on any airport other than in the public passenger ramp area, the public cargo ramp area, or an area held under written agreement authorizing same with the City of Chicago; provided, that use of such areas is subject to prescribed charges; and provided further, that no such person, firm or corporation as aforesaid, other than a tenant or permittee of terminal building space at the same airport who holds such space for the purpose of conducting such business, shall use or attempt to use said public passenger ramp area or public cargo ramp area without written permission from the commissioner of aviation or his designated representative.
(Prior code § 37-12.3)
10-36-240 Airplane noise levels – Definitions.
   For   purposes of this section, the following words and phrases shall have the following meanings:
   (a)   "Airplane" means any civil, subsonic, turbo- jet powered airplane having a maximum certification takeoff weight exceeding 75,000 pounds.
   (b)   "Airport" means any airport owned by the City of Chicago.
   (c)   "Stage 1 airplane" means an airplane that does not meet the Stage 2 or Stage 3 noise levels prescribed in Section C36.5(a)(2) or Section C36.5(a)(3) of Appendix C of Part 36 of the Federal Aviation Administration Regulations, 14 C.F.R. Subchapter 36, as amended.
   (d)   "Stage 2 airplane" means any airplane that complies with the noise levels prescribed in Section C36.5 (a)(2) of Appendix C of Part 36 of the Federal Aviation Administration Regulations, 14 C.F.R. Subchapter 36, as amended.
   (e)   "Stage 3 airplane" means any airplane that complies with the noise levels prescribed in Section C36.5(a)(3) of Appendix C of Part 36 of the Federal Aviation Administration Regulation, 14 C.F.R. Subchapter 36, as amended.
   (f)   "Noise-compliant airplane" means (I) until January 1, 1986, any two-engine Stage 1 airplane that complies with the provisions of Section 303(b) of the Federal Aviation Safety and Noise Abatement Act of 1979, or (ii) until January 1, 1988, any two-engine Stage 1 airplane with 100 seats or less exempted pursuant to Section 304 of the Federal Aviation Safety and Noise Abatement Act of 1979 in order to promote service to medium-size and small communities.
   No airplane may take off or land at any airport unless it is a Stage 3 or noise-compliant airplane.
(Added Coun. J. 3-31-04, p. 20916, § 2.11)
Editor's note – Coun. J. 3-31-04, p. 20916, § 1.1, repealed § 10-36-240, which pertained to airplane noise levels – Definitions. Coun. J. 3-31-04, p. 20916, § 2.11, added provisions designated as a new § 10-36-240 to read as herein set out.
10-36-250 Laws, rules, regulations.
   Every person having occasion to use the airport facilities at any airport for any flight or aircraft operation shall observe and obey all laws pertaining to aeronautics and all rules and regulations of the federal and state authorities having jurisdiction of the subject matter of aeronautics and all rules and regulations governing the conduct and operation of said airport adopted by the commissioner of aviation and the orders of the superintendent of said airport directing the time and place of landing and departure of any aircraft.
   To prevent or minimize congestion in air transport operations at any airport for public safety and convenience the commissioner of aviation may by order exclude any chartered air transport operator from either airport or limit the chartered air transport operations at any airport and designate the airport at which any aircraft used for chartered air transport operations shall land. If said order is general in its application it shall be published at least 30 days before it becomes effective in the official newspaper of the City of Chicago and in such other newspapers as the commissioner of aviation may choose. If said order is specially applicable to chartered or transport operators named written notice thereof addressed to said chartered air transport operator at his last known address shall be deposited in the United States mails at Chicago at least 30 days before said order becomes effective.
(Prior code § 37-13)
10-36-260 Passenger vehicle driveways and parking stations.
   The commissioner of aviation shall locate and relocate, construct and maintain passenger vehicle driveways and parking stations adjoining the terminal building at each airport.
   The commissioner of aviation shall prepare and promulgate reasonable rules and regulations in furtherance of the public safety and convenience with respect to (a) the control of vehicular traffic at the airport and in and over the passenger vehicle driveways; (b) the operation, loading and unloading of passengers by taxicabs, buses and other public passenger vehicles at the airport; (c) the parking of taxicabs, buses and other passenger vehicles in the passenger vehicle driveways; (d) the solicitation of passengers on airport property by operators of taxicabs, buses or other public passenger vehicles.
   Designated employees of the department of aviation are authorized to issue notices of parking violation for, and effect the removal of, vehicles that are in violation of Section 9-92-030 at O'Hare International Airport.
(Prior code § 37-13.1; Amend Coun. J. 12-2-09, p. 78837, Art. 15, § 1)
10-36-265 Transportation network drivers.
   The commissioner of aviation, jointly with the commissioner of business affairs and consumer protection, shall by rule require that transportation network drivers who seek to pick up passengers from an airport (for purposes of this section, "airport pick-ups") register, personally or through a transportation network provider with whom they are affiliated, with the commissioner of aviation. Such rules, which shall be developed and administered in furtherance of public safety, shall include a process for granting, denying, or terminating the eligibility of transportation network drivers to conduct airport pick-ups. For purposes of this section the terms "transportation network driver" and "transportation network provider" shall have the meaning ascribed to these terms in Section 9-115-010.
(Added Coun. J. 10-28-15, p. 12062, Art. XI, § 6)