* Editor's note – Coun. J. 2-24-21, p. 27657, Art. I, § 1, amended the title of Ch. 2-112 to read as herein set out. Prior to inclusion, Ch. 2-112 was entitled, "Board of Health".
2-112-005   Definitions.
2-112-010   Establishment and composition.
2-112-020   Succession.
2-112-030   Commissioner – Administrative authority.
2-112-040   Power to arrest violators.
2-112-050   Police powers.
2-112-060   Employees held harmless for official acts.
2-112-070   Adoption of health and environmental rules.
2-112-080   Report of disease occurrence.
2-112-090   Health system planning.
2-112-100   Grants and other agreements.
2-112-110   Commissioner – Additional powers and duties.
2-112-120   Transfer of rights, powers and duties.
2-112-130   Commissioner – Communicable disease control procedures.
2-112-140   Immunization treatment and vaccination.
2-112-150   Compulsory vaccination limitations.
2-112-160   Disinfection of premises.
2-112-170   Power to order vacation of premises.
2-112-180   Health and safety hazards – Investigation authority.
2-112-190   Health-related agreements with the Chicago Board of Education and other City of Chicago schools.
2-112-200   Health-related agreements authorized under the National and Community Services Trust Act.
2-112-205   Essential service contracts.
2-112-210   Agreements for health screening and diagnostic services.
2-112-220   Clinical health services agreements.
2-112-230   Tuberculosis clinical services.
2-112-240   Chronic disease detection and treatment programs.
2-112-250   Emergency cardiopulmonary resuscitation – Liability limitations.
2-112-260   Contaminated food or beverage controls.
2-112-270   Illinois Swimming Pool and Bathing Beach Act.
2-112-280   Publication of health information.
2-112-290   Records and forms.
2-112-300   Fees and charges.
2-112-310   Impersonation of Department personnel prohibited.
2-112-320   Failure to report disease occurrence.
2-112-330   Violation of recordkeeping provision.
2-112-340   Violation of rules and orders.
2-112-005 Definitions.
   For purposes of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply:
   "Commissioner" or "Commissioner of Public Health" or "Commissioner of Health" means the Commissioner of the Department of Public Health of the City of Chicago or his or her designee.
   "Department" or "Department of Public Health" or "Department of Health" means the Department of Public Health of the City of Chicago.
(Added Coun. J. 12-13-17, p. 63286, § 1; Amend Coun. J. 2-24-21, p. 27657, Art. I, § 1)
2-112-010 Establishment and composition.
   There is hereby established an executive department of the municipal government of the City which shall be known as either the Department of Public Health of the City of Chicago or the Department of Health of the City of Chicago. The Department shall be administered by a Commissioner of Public Health, who shall either be a physician, duly licensed in Illinois, or have an advanced degree in a field related to public health and professional experience in public health administration or hospital administration. If the Commissioner is not a physician, at least one deputy commissioner of the Department shall be a physician, duly licensed to practice in Illinois. The Commissioner shall be appointed by the Mayor, by and with the advice and consent of the City Council.
(Prior code § 9-1(a); Amend Coun. J. 2-24-21, p. 27657, Art. I, § 1; Amend Coun. J. 10-27-21, p. 39525, § 7; Amend Coun. J. 3-20-24, p. 10134, § 1)
2-112-020 Succession.
   The Commissioner and the Department shall assume all rights, powers, duties, obligations and responsibilities of the Board of Health as of the effective date of this amendatory ordinance of 2021 except for those Board of Health powers and duties expressly retained. All personnel, books, records, property, and funds relating to the Board of Health shall be made available to the Department. The Department shall succeed to the rights and duties of the Board of Health under existing contracts, grants, loan agreements or programs, or other agreements or ordinances. All rules issued by the Board of Health or the Commissioner in effect as of the effective date of this amendatory ordinance of 2021 shall remain in effect until amended or repealed by the Commissioner.
(Prior code § 9-1(b); Amend Coun. J. 2-24-21, p. 27657, Art. I, § 1)
2-112-030 Commissioner – Administrative authority.
   All matters pertaining to the administration of the staff of the Department and the proper protection and promotion of public health shall be in charge of the Commissioner of Public Health.
(Prior code § 9-1(c); Amend Coun. J. 3-21-90, p. 13545; Amend Coun. J. 6-28-00, p. 36752, § 3; Amend Coun. J. 2-24-21, p. 27657, Art. I, § 1)