2-84-210 Special police – For humane societies.
   The superintendent of police shall have power, upon the application in writing of any society for the prevention of cruelty to animals and children, incorporated under and by virtue of the laws of the state, to appoint and swear in not to exceed 25 special policemen, whose names and addresses shall be set forth in such application; provided, the persons so to be appointed shall be recommended by the president of any such society. The superintendent of police shall keep a list of all persons so appointed by him, and he may remove or discharge any of the persons so appointed at any time without assigning any cause therefor, and he may appoint other persons upon similar application and recommendation to take the place of the person of persons removed or discharged.
   The special policemen so appointed shall be particularly charged with the duty of enforcing the provisions of this Code relating to cruelty to children and cruelty to animals. They shall comply with and be subject to all the rules and regulations prescribed by the superintendent of police for the government, control, and duties of such special policemen. They shall also perform other special and temporary police duties as may, in emergency cases, be required by the superintendent of police or other police officer, or as may be required by the rules and regulations so prescribed. They shall, in the performance of such duties, have all the powers and privileges of patrolmen of the police department of the city.
   The appointment of such special policemen shall be upon the condition that the city shall not be liable in any way for the compensation of any such special policemen, and on condition that such compensation shall be provided by the society requesting such appointment to be made.
(Prior code § 11-22)