Ch. 1-4   Code Adoption – Organization
   Ch. 1-8   Corporate Seal and Emblems
   Ch. 1-12   Official City Time
   Ch. 1-14   Official Neighborhoods and Community Areas
   Ch. 1-16   Nuclear Weapon Free Zone
   Ch. 1-19   Debt Due and Owing to the City
   Ch. 1-20   Cost Recovery – Liability for Costs of Providing Services
   Ch. 1-21   False Statements
   Ch. 1-22   False Claims
   Ch. 1-23   Qualifications Relating to City Business or City Benefits
   Ch. 1-24   Reserved
   Ch. 1-25   Reserved
* Editor's note – Prior history for Chapter 1-4 includes Sections 1-1 through 1-21; Ordinance passed on 4-6-90, Coun. J. p. 13720; Ordinance passed on 6-27-90, Coun. J. p. 17764.
1-4-010   Municipal Code of Chicago adopted.
1-4-020   Adoption of chapter and section numbers.
1-4-030   Effective date.
1-4-040   Administrative copies – City clerk powers and duties.
1-4-050   Code revisions – Publication.
1-4-060   Publication of Code – Conditions.
1-4-070   Distribution of Code.
1-4-080   Numbering of Code sections – References to former Code provisions.
1-4-090   Definitions for Code provisions.
1-4-100   Interpretation of language.
1-4-110   References to sections include penalty references – Exceptions.
1-4-120   Penalty for violation of Code.
1-4-125   Restitution – License or permit violations.
1-4-130   Maximum fine or penalty.
1-4-140   Offenses having two penalties.
1-4-145   Reserved.
1-4-150   Zoning ordinance adopted.
1-4-160   Scope of repeal.
1-4-170   Reference to statutes.
1-4-180   Repeal shall not revive any ordinance.
1-4-190   Liberal construction of provisions.
1-4-200   Severability.
1-4-010 Municipal Code of Chicago adopted.
   This ordinance, consisting of Titles 1 through 18, inclusive, shall be known as the "Municipal Code of Chicago" and shall be treated as a new and original comprehensive ordinance, completely superseding the Municipal Code of Chicago adopted August 30, 1939, and subsequent code amendments adopted prior to February 28, 1990, with the exception of the Chicago Zoning Ordinance and amendments thereto.
(Added Coun. J. 6-27-90, p. 17764; Amend Coun. J. 3-31-04, p. 20916, § 3.1)
1-4-020 Adoption of chapter and section numbers.
   The corporation counsel shall advise and assist the city clerk in renumbering chapters and sections described in ordinances passed after February 7, 1990, amending the Municipal Code as then in effect, in order to assure that they comport with the numbering system of this Code. The revised numbers of those chapters and sections as determined by the city clerk and the corporation counsel are hereby adopted for general use.
(Added Coun. J. 6-27-90, p. 17764)
1-4-030 Effective date.
   The Municipal Code of Chicago shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage.
(Added Coun. J. 6-27-90, p. 17764)
1-4-040 Administrative copies – City clerk powers and duties.
   The city clerk shall keep at least one current printed copy of this Code and shall maintain at least one location at City Hall where the public may access the Code.
   In determining whether any ordinance hereafter passed, or any part thereof, shall be inserted into the Code, and in determining the form, title, chapter and section in which it shall be inserted, the city clerk shall be guided by the advice of the corporation counsel.
(Added Coun. J. 6-27-90, p. 17764; Amend Coun. J. 11-19-14, p. 98037, § 1)
1-4-050 Code revisions – Publication.
   Revisions of this Code shall be prepared and published at intervals not exceeding six months to reflect any changes in the Municipal Code during such period.
(Added Coun. J. 6-27-90, p. 17764)
1-4-060 Publication of Code – Conditions.
   All printed material issued or distributed as a publication of the city that includes an excerpt or quotation from this Code shall be published subject to the understanding that the Municipal Code of Chicago is subject to change without notice.
(Added Coun. J. 6-27-90, p. 17764; Amend Coun. J. 11-19-14, p. 98037, § 1)
1-4-070 Distribution of Code.
   Sufficient copies of this Code shall be deposited with the Chicago Public Library for general public reference and use. Sufficient copies shall be distributed to the mayor, the aldermen, the city clerk, the city treasurer and the heads of the various agencies and departments of city government for their respective use.
   The mayor may reciprocate courtesies of other cities and governments by presenting to them a copy of this Code bound at city expense in such form as the mayor deems suitable.
(Added Coun. J. 6-27-90, p. 17764; Amend Coun. J. 12-13-00, p. 48076, § 1; Amend Coun. J. 11-8-12, p. 38872, § 1)
1-4-080 Numbering of Code sections – References to former Code provisions.
   Each section number of this Code shall consist of three component parts separated by dashes. The figure before the first dash shall refer to the title number; the figure following the first dash shall refer to the position of the chapter within a title; and the figure following the second dash shall refer to the position of the section within its chapter.
   No officer or employee except aldermen of the city shall issue any written material containing any section of the municipal code numbered differently than as numbered herein; and no section number shall be changed by any such officer or employee in drafting any amendment to this Code. Notwithstanding the foregoing provision, the various departments and agencies of the city government may continue to use notices, citations and other documents containing references to chapter and section numbers of the municipal code as in effect prior to passage of this Code until December 31, 1990.
(Added Coun. J. 6-27-90, p. 17764)