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Subdivision 3403 – Additions, Alterations or Repairs
CHAPTER 13-200
13-200-010   Statement of purpose.
13-200-020   Purpose of code.
13-200-030   Provisions governing structures not specified in this chapter.
13-200-040   Zoning, fire district restrictions and location limitations.
13-200-050   Increase in height or area – Where prohibited.
13-200-060   Types of structures not permitted – Exceptions.
13-200-070   Type IV construction – Location on lot.
13-200-080   Type II construction – Location on lot.
13-200-090   Building projections.
13-200-100   Historic preservation.
13-200-110   Commission on Chicago historical and architectural landmarks.
13-200-120   Change of occupancy.
13-200-130   Occupancy separations.
13-200-140   Structural load stress.
13-200-150   Change of commercial unit to residential use.
13-200-160   Requirements for change to residential occupancy.
13-200-170   Requirements for a change of occupancy to any other than residential.
13-200-180   Equal or lesser hazard requirements.
13-200-190   Increase in one hazard index number.
13-200-200   Increase of two or more hazard index numbers.
13-200-210   Increase in number of dwelling units.
13-200-220   Definition of legally established dwelling unit.
13-200-230   Increase in one additional dwelling unit.
13-200-240   Increase of two or more dwelling units.
13-200-250   Additions.
13-200-260   Porches and decks.
13-200-270   Dormers.
13-200-280   Skylights.
13-200-290   Utilization of existing space within residential buildings.
13-200-300   Alterations and repairs.
13-200-310   Building over 80 feet in height.
13-200-320   Assembly occupancy alterations.
13-200-330   Exit requirements.
13-200-340   Fire escapes – Repairs.
13-200-350   Fire escapes – Removal.
13-200-360   Existing interior exit stairways.
13-200-370   Heat, light and ventilation requirements.
13-200-380   Natural light and ventilation.
13-200-390   Existing mechanical ventilation supply, return and exhaust systems.
13-200-400   Handicapped accessibility.
13-200-410   State of Illinois accessibility standards – Applicability.
13-200-420   Provisions for buildings being remodeled.
13-200-430   Handicapped accessibility provisions – Where applicable.
13-200-440   Archaic materials.
13-200-450   Moving buildings.
13-200-460   Plumbing requirements.
13-200-470   Electrical requirements.
13-200-480   Alteration, remodeling or repairs less than 60 percent of structure – Wiring standards.
13-200-010  Statement of purpose.
   The public health, safety and welfare is in part dependent on the conservation, rehabilitation and reuse of the existing building stock; that the application of new construction requirements and standards to the rehabilitation of existing buildings may unnecessarily increase the cost thereof; that adequate enforcement of minimum housing and other standards for safe and decent human habitation requires expeditious and cost effective procedures for encouraging the rehabilitation of existing buildings; that rehabilitation is a major mechanism for increasing the health and safety in existing buildings; and that adequate resources in the form of public and private initiatives exist to increase and expand the incidence of rehabilitation when such rehabilitation is regulated by reasonable requirements.
(Prior code § 78.1-1)
13-200-020  Purpose of code.
   It is therefore the purpose of this code, to the maximum extent consistent with basic standards of human health and safety to:
   (a)   Promote the rehabilitation of existing sound buildings by allowing for differences between rehabilitation and new construction requirements in the application of the provisions of this code.
   (b)   Encourage the rehabilitation, the utilization of innovative and economic materials and methods of construction.
   (c)   Encourage the agencies charged with the enforcement of this code and the officers thereof to:
      (1)   Apply the provisions of this code to buildings to be rehabilitated in a manner consistent with the purposes stated herein;
      (2)   Exercise discretion and employ resourcefulness in the evaluation of code compliance of rehabilitated structures in a manner consistent with the purposes stated herein.
(Prior code § 78.1-2)
13-200-030  Provisions governing structures not specified in this chapter.
   Where there are not specific provisions in this chapter applying to the repair, alteration of, additions to, and changes of use of any existing building or structure or part thereof, then such building or part thereof shall be made to comply with the pertinent provisions of this Code for new buildings or structures.
(Prior code § 78.1-3)
13-200-040  Zoning, fire district restrictions and location limitations.
   All repairs, alterations, additions and changes of use in existing buildings must comply with all applicable sections of the Chicago Zoning Ordinance and with the special provisions of Section 13-200-050 through and including 13-200-090. Existing private detached garages and other buildings accessory to an established residential use may be altered, repaired, replaced or enlarged with new construction matching the existing construction up to the limits of the existing zoning and/or building construction requirements on that zoning lot.
(Prior code § 78.1-4)
13-200-050  Increase in height or area – Where prohibited.
   No existing building located within the fire limits shall be increased in height or area unless it is of a type of construction permitted for new buildings within the fire limits.
   The fire limits are defined in Chapter 13-116.
(Prior code § 78.1-5; Amend Coun. J. 9-6-17, p. 55278, Art. II, § 46)