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13-200-350  Fire escapes – Removal.
   Existing fire escapes may be removed if the remaining required exits conform to all new construction requirements of Chapter 13-160 regarding number, width, location, access to, and enclosure.
(Prior code § 78.1-34)
13-200-360  Existing interior exit stairways.
   When a building, floor, space, or area is remodeled, the cost of which exceeds 50 percent of the cost of reproduction of that building, floor, space, or area, the exit stairs serving that building, floor, space, or area shall be upgraded by one of the following alternative methods:
   (a)   The stairway shall be enclosed to comply with requirements of Section 15-8-140.
   (b)   Noncombustible doors and assemblies shall be installed in the corridors between exit stairs. Such assemblies need not be rated but shall be constructed, as provided by Section 15-8-140(a).
   (c)   The entire remodeled building, floor, space, or area served by the exit stairs shall be provided with a standard sprinkler system, complying with the requirements of Chapter 15-16.
(Prior code § 78.1-35)
13-200-370  Heat, light and ventilation requirements.
   Existing safe and well maintained heating and air- conditioning systems may remain, provided they comply with the minimum heat output requirements of Sections 13-196-400 and 13-196-410. If heating or air- conditioning systems are altered, the alterations shall conform with Chapters 11-4 and 18-28.
(Prior code § 78.1-36; Amend Coun. J. 11-9-16, p. 36266, § 27)



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13-200-380  Natural light and ventilation.
   Existing means of light and ventilation may remain and not be increased in area if they are in compliance with the code in force at the time the building was built or altered. If the room sizes are altered, the light and ventilation requirements of Chapter 13-172 shall be met, except that existing courts or light wells need not be increased in size.
(Prior code § 78.1-37; Amend Coun. J. 7-14-93, p. 35326; Amend Coun. J. 4-29-98, p. 66679, § 2)
13-200-390  Existing mechanical ventilation supply, return and exhaust systems.
   Existing systems which are in compliance with codes in force at the time the building was built or altered may remain:
   (a)   If room sizes are increased or the use of a room is changed, the altered area shall be provided with ventilation, in accordance with the requirements of Chapter 18-28.
   (b)   If existing mechanical systems are altered, those altered systems shall comply with the requirements of Chapter 18-28.
   (c)   Mechanical ventilation shall not be permitted as the sole means of ventilation in any habitable space in a residential occupancy, except as provided in Chapter 18-28. Natural light and ventilation shall be provided in accordance with the code in force when the building was built or altered.
(Prior code § 78.1-38; Amend Coun. J. 11-9-16, p. 36266, § 27)
13-200-400  Handicapped accessibility.
   When any alterations or additions are made to an existing building which is owned by the State of Illinois or any of its political subdivisions, said building must comply with all applicable requirements of the latest edition of the State of Illinois Accessibility Standards.
(Prior code § 78.1-39)
13-200-410  State of Illinois accessibility standards – Applicability.
   The State of Illinois Accessibility Standards are not applicable to alteration or repair work other than as specified in Section 13-200-400. However, they are applicable to additions to existing public buildings.
(Prior code § 78.1-40)
13-200-420  Provisions for buildings being remodeled.
   In all buildings being remodeled, except single- family residences, multi-story residential buildings under four stories in height, and the second floor of two story buildings having less than 15,000 square feet at the second floor level or any occupied levels below grade having less than 15,000 square feet, the following provisions shall apply:
   (a)   When a building is being remodeled at a cost not exceeding 50 percent of the reproduction cost of the building, any new work being performed shall conform to the following requirements:
      (1)   Whenever a door and partition is replaced, the door width shall be a minimum of 32 inches unless restricted by adjacent construction. Doors to toilet rooms in residential occupancies shall be a minimum of 30 inches.
      (2)   Whenever seating is remodeled in assembly occupancies, or when any new toilet room is built, there shall be provided at least one water closet for each sex for every 500 occupants which is accessible to the handicapped. The toilet stall shall be at least three feet wide by five feet deep, having a door stall that has a clearance of 32 inches and swings out to accommodate a wheelchair. The stall shall be provided with grab bars on each side. The grab bars shall be one and one-half inches in diameter, set a maximum of one and one-half inches clear from the wall and 33 inches above the floor. The flood level rim of the water closet shall be 18 inches above the adjacent floor.
   (b)   When a building is being remodeled at a cost exceeding 50 percent of the reproduction cost of the building, the following provisions shall apply:
      (1)   In every building where toilets are provided, except in dwelling units, there shall be at least one water closet for each sex which is accessible to the handicapped. There shall be at least one such water closet for each sex for every 500 occupants. The toilet stall shall be at least three feet wide by five feet in depth, having a door (if used) that has a clearance of 32 inches and swings out to accommodate a wheelchair. The water closet in this one stall shall be set 19 inches above the floor. The stall shall be provided with grab bars on each side. The grab bars shall have an outside diameter of one and one-half inches and shall be installed 33 inches above and parallel to the floor, with one and one-half inches clearance from the wall.
      (2)   Where drinking fountains are provided in public buildings, they shall not be more than 36 inches above the floor. Measurement shall be to top of basin.
      (3)   Elevators shall be provided with emergency hold open buttons and the emergency communications no higher than four feet from the floor, except in buildings which provide ramps for the handicapped.
      (4)   There shall be not less than one primary entrance or exit for the handicapped from the property line to the building, accessible to, and usable by, individuals in wheelchairs, or those with major mobility limitations.
      (5)   Doors to all rooms shall be minimum width of 32 inches, with the exception of toilet rooms in residential occupancies. The doors to toilet rooms in residential occupancies shall have a minimum width of 30 inches.
      (6)   Doors opening into mechanical or electrical equipment rooms, storage rooms, stairs or entrances to vehicular traffic areas, shall have knurled handles to alert the blind.
      (7)   Entrance and vestibule doors for handicapped use, located within the route of travel, shall, in addition to complying with other laws and ordinances, comply with the following regulations:
         (a)   There shall be a clear level space of at least three feet when said doors are in 90 degrees open position. Vestibules shall have a minimum width of four feet, six inches;
         (b)   Minimum single entrance or vestibule door width shall be three feet;
         (c)   The manual pull or push to operate entrance or vestibule doors shall not exceed ten pounds pressure.
      (8)   Ramps used in lieu of stairs shall have a grade not exceeding one in 12.
      (9)   Exterior and interior ramps for the handicapped in the route of travel shall comply with the following regulations:
         (a)   The surface of any ramp shall be made of nonskid material;
         (b)   The width of the ramp shall be at least 36 inches;
         (c)   The top and bottom of the ramp shall provide a level surface containing at least 25 square feet in area with a minimum dimension of four feet, six inches;
         (d)   There shall be intermediate level platforms with a minimum dimension of four feet six inches, every 30 feet of ramp length;
         (e)   All major turns in ramps shall be equipped with a level intermediate platform at the turn, and shall not be less than four feet six inches in width;
         (f)   There shall be provided at least one handrail, 32 to 34 inches high, along one side of each ramp that provides for any change in vertical elevation that exceeds eight inches in height, and shall extend horizontally one foot beyond the top and the bottom of the ramp.
(Prior code § 78.1-41; Amend Coun. J. 11-9-16, p. 36266, § 27)
13-200-430  Handicapped accessibility provisions – Where applicable.
   The following handicapped accessibility provisions shall apply to all buildings except single-family residences, multi-story residential buildings under four stories in height, and the second floor of two story buildings having less than 15,000 square feet at the second floor level, or any occupied levels below grade having less than 15,000 square feet being changed in occupancy classification, or to that portion of a building being changed in occupancy classification. Those provisions required for any remodeling shall also apply:
   (a)   Equal or lesser hazard as determined by Table 13-200-170. No requirements, except as noted in Section 13-200-430(d) and (e);
   (b)   Increase of one hazard index number. No requirements, except as noted in Section 13-200-430(d) and (e);
   (c)   Increase of two or more hazard index numbers, the provisions of Section 13-200-420(b) shall apply;
   (d)   There shall be provided a minimum of one percent and at least two wheelchair spaces in buildings changed to assembly occupancy with fixed seating. Such spaces may be provided by means of movable seating. This requirement shall also be met whenever seating is remodeled or changed in an existing assembly occupancy;
   (e)   Every new restaurant shall provide at least one water closet for each sex for every 500 occupants which is accessible to the handicapped. The toilet shall be at least three feet wide by five feet deep, having a door that has a clearance of 32 inches and swings out to accommodate a wheelchair. The stall shall be provided with grab bars on each side. The grab bars shall be one and one-half inches in diameter and a maximum of one and one-half inches clear from the wall and 33 inches above the floor. The flood level rim of the water closet shall be 18 inches above the adjacent floor.
(Prior code § 78.1-42)
13-200-440  Archaic materials.
   Materials already existing in older buildings which have not been tested in accordance with contemporary standards may be acceptable, if they meet the National Institute for Building Sciences “Guideline on Fire Rating of Archaic Materials and Assemblies” for the rating as required. The NIBS guidelines list a large number of common archaic assemblies of materials for walls, columns, floors and ceilings, beams, and doors with recommended fire resistances in hours. The guidelines describe how to evaluate any archaic material assembly which is not listed or tested. This standard, which is available for reference at the department of buildings, should be consulted for any questionable existing archaic assembly which is required by code to meet a specific fire resistance. It may also be used in those cases where it is desirable to install an archaic material with a required rating to match an archaic material already existing elsewhere in the building. Such archaic assemblies do not have to be brought before the building board of appeals to be acceptable if the appropriate standards are referenced on the permit application.
(Prior code § 78.1-43; Amend Coun. J. 9-13-89, p. 4604; Amend Coun. J. 3-5-03, p. 104990, § 40; Amend Coun. J. 11-13-07, p. 14999, Art. II, § 1)