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Wherever used in this article, the following definitions apply:
“Alcoholic beverages”, “Commissioner”, “Department” and “Food” have the meaning ascribed to those terms in Section 10-28-800.
“Curbside cafe” means that portion of an immobile retail food establishment operating, pursuant to a permit, in a section of the traffic lane closest to the curb that is normally used for parking.
“Immobile retail food establishment” means a retail food establishment issued a retail food license for a fixed location inside a building.
“Permittee” means a person who has been issued a curbside cafe permit.
(Added Coun. J. 1-13-16, p. 17125, § 1)
No person shall operate a curbside cafe without first obtaining a permit under this article. A curbside cafe permit shall be valid from May 1st to and including September 30th of the year of its issuance. The fee for the permit shall be $600.00. In addition to the permit fee, the permittee shall pay an amount equal to any anticipated lost parking meter revenue for any parking space used for the operation of the curbside cafe.
(Added Coun. J. 1-13-16, p. 17125, § 1)
An application for a curbside cafe permit shall be submitted to the commissioner in a form and format prescribed by the commissioner. The application shall be filed in the same year in which the permit will be issued. The applicant shall include:
(a) Proof that the applicant holds a valid retail food establishment license for an immobile retail food establishment.
(b) Proof of insurance as required by this article.
(c) A detailed plan for the curbside cafe, complying with applicable regulations and demonstrating that the curbside cafe shall not unreasonably interfere with: (1) adequate pedestrian or vehicular flow; (2) pedestrian and vehicular safety; or (3) the aesthetic quality of the surrounding area. The plan shall also clearly show the location of any fire hydrant, protected bicycle lane, intersection, bus stop, and loading zone, and indicate the distance of such items from the proposed location of the curbside cafe.
(d) Applications shall be processed on a first-in- time basis. If two or more applications are filed at the same time for a location on the same side of a block and both applications meet the requirements of this article for approval, the commissioner shall conduct a lottery to determine which application to approve.
(e) Any other pertinent information reasonably required by the commissioner.
(Added Coun. J. 1-13-16, p. 17125, § 1)