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After the effective date of this chapter, no permit for the erection of any sign of any kind or description which extends over or upon any part of the following described public property:
That part of N. State Street and S. State Street between a line connecting the south lines of E. Wacker Drive and W. Wacker Drive and a line connecting the north lines of E. Harrison Street and W. Harrison Street
shall be issued except in accordance with the provisions of this chapter. Permits for existing signs may be renewed from time to time, but no existing signs shall be enlarged or altered unless such enlarged or altered sign complies with the provisions of this chapter. If any existing sign is removed or demolished and replaced with a new sign, such new sign shall comply with the provisions of this chapter, provided if any existing sign is removed or dismantled, it may be replaced with a sign of substantially the same size and character.
(Prior code § 34.1-1)
All signs erected, enlarged or altered after the effective date of this chapter, except signs on canopies, awnings and marquees, which extend over or upon any part of the public property described in Section 10-24-010 of this chapter shall be placed flat against the face of the building or structure to which they are attached with the face of the sign parallel to the lot line, and if placed less than nine feet above sidewalk grade shall not project more than two inches beyond the lot line, and if placed nine feet or more above sidewalk grade shall not project more than 12 inches beyond the lot line; provided if any existing sign is removed or dismantled, it may be replaced with a new sign of substantially the same size and character. No such sign shall be placed below three feet above the established sidewalk grade. Such signs may be illuminated, but flashing or any type of variable illumination shall not be permitted. All such signs shall be made of metal, glass or other incombustible material and shall bear thereon no lettering other than to indicate the name and kind of business conducted in the building or structure, such as men's clothing, drugs, jeweler and the like, and the year the business was established and the street number thereof. No such sign shall advertise any particular article of merchandise.
(Prior code § 34.1-2)