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The provisions of Article 680 of NFPA 70 are adopted by reference with the following modification:
1. Revise section 680.11 to read:
“Underground Wiring Location. Underground wiring shall be permitted where installed in rigid metal conduit, intermediate metal conduit, rigid polyvinyl chloride conduit, or reinforced thermosetting resin conduit. Underground wiring shall not be permitted under the pool unless this wiring is necessary to supply pool equipment permitted by this article. The minimum cover depths shall be as given in Table 300.5.”
(Added Coun. J. 9-6-17, p. 55278, Art. I, § 1)
The provisions of Article 695 of NFPA 70 are adopted by reference with the following modifications:
1. Insert new section 695.3 to read:
“Power Sources for Electric Motor-Driven Fire Pumps. Electric motor-driven fire pumps shall have a reliable source of power in conformance with 695.3(A) and (B).
All primary sources shall have a high degree of reliability and be capable of carrying indefinitely the sum of the locked-rotor current of the fire pump motor(s) and the full-load current of the associated fire pump controller accessory equipment. These power sources, where required, shall be arranged so that a fire at one source will not cause an interruption at the other source.
Buildings having no required emergency system or only a System III emergency system, shall not be required to have a secondary source of power for the fire pump.
Informational Note: See Table 700.5 for Emergency Systems Required.
(A) Primary Source. Primary power shall be supplied by a separate, independent service with no disconnect, other than at the fire pump controller, from one of the following sources:
(1) Utility Service. Power shall be provided by a separate and independent utility service or, where special permission is obtained in writing from the authority having jurisdiction, an approved off-site primary electrical generating facility in common ownership with the building location of fire pump installation.
(2) On-Site Generation. Power shall be supplied by an approved primary power on-site generator conforming to the following:
(a) The generator room and associated main distribution room shall be enclosed in separate rooms having 3-hour fire rated construction.
(b) All openings into these rooms shall be protected by 3 hour (A-label) opening protective assemblies.
(c) These rooms shall not be below grade.
(d) These rooms shall be used for no other purpose than the primary generation and distribution of power.
(e) If stored fuel is used there shall be kept available a 4-hour reserve of fuel at all times.
(B) Secondary Power. Secondary power shall be in accordance with 695.4(B) and be supplied as follows:
(1) Where Emergency System II is Required. The secondary source shall be as stated below in (a), (b), (c) and (d).
(a) Where the normal building source is common to the Emergency System II auxiliary source, no secondary power shall be required for the fire pump.
(b) Where the Emergency System II is served by two independent utility sources, the secondary source shall be that source which is not common to the primary fire pump source.
(c) In high rise buildings under 91 m (300 ft) in height not meeting 695.3(B)(1)(a), the secondary source shall be from an emergency source other than the source serving the fire pump.
(d) In high rise buildings 91 m (300 ft) or greater in height, the secondary source shall be from an on-site generator in conformance with 700.30.
Informational Note: See Table 700.5 for Emergency Systems Required.
(2) Where an Emergency System I is Required. The secondary source shall be from an approved on-site generator conforming to the requirements of 700.20, 700.50(1) and 701.16.
Informational Note: See Table 700.5 for Emergency Systems Required.
(3) Multi-Building Campus-Style Complexes with Fire Pumps. Where primary sources as described in 695.3(A) are not practicable and with special permission, two or more feeder sources shall be permitted as one power source where such feeder sources are connected to or are derived from separate utility services. The connection(s), overcurrent protective device(s), and disconnecting means for such feeders shall meet the requirements in 695.4(B)(1) or (B)(2), as applicable.
(4) Conditions. Whenever a secondary source is required by 695.3(B)(1) or (B)(2), all related following conditions shall be met:
(a) In addition to the required connected emergency loads, the generator, or other emergency source where allowed, is sized to carry indefinitely the sum of the locked-rotor current of the fire pump motor(s) and the full-load current of the associated fire pump controller accessory equipment.
(b) The fire pump feeder is served by a disconnect switch separate from all required emergency loads.
(c) The fire pump feeder is protected by overcurrent protection sized to carry indefinitely the sum of the locked-rotor current of the fire pump motor(s) and the full load current of the associated fire pump controller accessory equipment.
(d) The disconnect serving the fire pump shall be lockable in the closed position and be supervised as in 695.4(B)(5).
(5) Arrangement. The power sources shall be arranged so that a fire at one source will not cause an interruption at the other source.
Exception No. 1 to 695.3(B): An on-site or standby generator used to comply with this section shall be of sufficient capacity to allow normal starting and running of the motor(s) driving the fire pump(s) while supplying all other loads simultaneously operated load. Automatic shedding of one or more optional standby loads in order to comply with this capacity requirement shall be permitted. A tap ahead of the on-site generator disconnecting means shall not be required.
Exception No. 2 to 695.3(B): Where each electric motor-driven fire pump is provided with an approved parallel redundant engine-driven fire pump, which will automatically start upon failure of the electric motor-driven fire pump to start, the requirement for a secondary source of power shall be satisfied.”
2. Revise subsection 695.4(B)(3)(e) to read:
“Supervision. The disconnecting means shall be supervised in the closed position by both of the following methods:
(a) Local signaling service that will cause the sounding of an audible signal at a constantly attended point
(b) Supervision by a required fire alarm system, when such system serves the building.”
3. Delete subsection 695.4(B)(3)(f).
4. Revise section 695.6 by replacing the first sentence and subsection (A) with the following, and renumbering subsections (B) through (J) as (C) through (K), respectively:
“Power Wiring. Power circuits and wiring methods shall comply with the requirements in 695.6(A) through (K), and as permitted in 230.90(A), Exception No. 4; 230.94, Exception No. 4; 240.13; 230.208; 240.4(A); and 430.31.
The conductors for the primary and secondary sources shall be separate and routed to maintain this separation. The supply conductors for the primary and secondary sources shall connect directly to a listed fire pump transfer switch.
(A) Service Conductors. Supply conductors shall be physically routed outside of all buildings and shall be installed as service entrance conductors in accordance with Article 230.
(1) Underground. These conductors shall be installed in conformance with Chapter 3.
(2) Overhead. Overhead service conductors shall comply with this Code and in addition shall comply with the following:
(a) Conductors shall not pass over any combustible structure or material
(b) Conductors shall not be attached to any combustible surface or material
(c) Conductors shall not be attached to or run over any point of a building which is above an opening not protected by a labeled fire door, labeled fire window or labeled fire damper.
Where supply conductors cannot be physically routed outside buildings, they shall be permitted to be routed through building(s) where installed in accordance with Condition No. 1 or Condition No. 2 of 230.6. Where a fire pump is wired under the provisions of 695.3(B)(2), this requirement shall apply to all supply conductors on the load side of the service disconnecting means that constitute the normal source of supply to that fire pump.
Exception: Where there are multiple sources of supply with means for automatic connection from one source to the other, the requirement shall only apply to those conductors on the load side of that point of automatic connection between sources.
(B) Circuit Conductors. Fire pump supply conductors on the load side of the final disconnecting means and overcurrent device(s) permitted by 695.4(B) shall be kept entirely independent of all other wiring. They shall only supply loads that are directly associated with the fire pump system, and they shall be protected to resist potential damage by fire, structural failure, or operational accident.
They shall be permitted to be routed through building(s) encased in 50 mm (2 in.) of concrete or within enclosed construction dedicated to the fire pump circuit(s) and having a minimum of a 2-hour fire resistance rating, or they shall be permitted to be within electrical circuit protective systems listed to meet UL 1724 with a minimum of 2-hour fire resistance. The installation shall comply with any restrictions provided in the listing of the electrical circuit protective system used.”
(Added Coun. J. 9-6-17, p. 55278, Art. I, § 1; Amend Coun. J. 1-23-19, p. 94952, Art. I, § 24)