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The provisions of Article 610 of NFPA 70 are adopted by reference with the following modification:
1. Revise section 610.11 to read:
“Wiring Method. Conductors shall be enclosed in metal raceways, or be Type MC cable or Type MI cable unless otherwise permitted or required in 610.11(A) through (E).
(A) Contact Conductor. Contact conductors shall not be required to be enclosed in raceways.
(B) Exposed Conductors. Short lengths of exposed conductors at resistors, collectors, and other equipment shall not be required to be enclosed in raceways.
(C) Flexible Connections to Motors and Similar Equipment. Where flexible connections are necessary, flexible stranded conductors shall be used. Conductors shall be in flexible metal conduit, liquidtight flexible metal conduit, multiconductor cable, or an approved metallic flexible raceway.
(D) Pushbutton Station Multiconductor Cable. Where multiconductor cable is used with a suspended pushbutton station, the station shall be supported in some satisfactory manner that protects the electrical conductors against strain.
(E) Flexibility to Moving Parts. Where flexibility is required for power or control to moving parts, listed festoon cable or a cord suitable for the purpose shall be permitted, provided the following apply:
(1) Suitable strain relief and protection from physical damage is provided.
(2) In Class I, Division 2 locations, the cord is approved for extra-hard usage.”
(Added Coun. J. 9-6-17, p. 55278, Art. I, § 1)
The provisions of Article 620 of NFPA 70 are adopted by reference with the following modification:
1. Revise section 620.21 to read:
“Wiring Methods. Conductors and optical fibers located in hoistways, in escalator and moving walk wellways, in platform lifts, stairway chairlift runways, machinery spaces, control spaces, in or on cars, in machine rooms and control rooms, not including the traveling cables connecting the car or counterweight and hoistway wiring, shall be installed in rigid metal conduit, intermediate metal conduit, electrical metallic tubing, or metal wireways, or shall be Type MI cable unless otherwise permitted in 620.21(A) through (C).
(A) Elevators.
(1) Hoistways and Pits.
(a) Cables used in Class 2 power-limited circuits shall be permitted, provided the cables are supported and protected from physical damage and are of a jacketed and flame-retardant type.
(b) Flexible cords and cables that are components of listed equipment and used in circuits operating at 30 volts rms or less or 42 volts dc or less shall be permitted in lengths not to exceed 1.8 m (6 ft) provided the cords and cables are supported and protected from physical damage and are of a jacketed and flame-retardant type.
(c) The following wiring methods shall be permitted in the hoistway in lengths not to exceed 1.8 m (6 ft):
(1) Flexible metal conduit
(2) Liquidtight flexible metal conduit
(3) Flexible cords and cables, or conductors grouped together and taped or corded, shall be permitted to be installed without a raceway. They shall be located to be protected from physical damage and shall be of a flame-retardant type and shall be part of the following:
a. Listed equipment
b. A driving machine, or
c. A driving machine brake
Exception to 620.21(A)(1)(c)(1), (2), and (3): The conduit length shall not be required to be limited between risers and limit switches, interlocks, operating buttons, and similar devices.
(d) A sump pump or oil recovery pump located in the pit shall be permitted to be cord connected. The cord shall be a hard usage oil-resistant type, of a length not to exceed 1.83 m (6 ft), and shall be located to be protected from physical damage.
(2) Cars.
(a) Flexible metal conduit, and liquidtight flexible metal conduit of metric designator 12 (trade size 3/8), or larger, not exceeding 1.8 m (6 ft) in length, shall be permitted on cars where so located as to be free from oil and if securely fastened in place.
(b) Hard-service cords and junior hard- service cords that conform to the requirements of Article 400 (Table 400.4) shall be permitted as flexible connections between the fixed wiring on the car and devices on the car doors or gates. Hard-service cords only shall be permitted as flexible connections for the top-of-car operating device or the car-top work light. Devices or luminaires shall be grounded by means of an equipment grounding conductor run with the circuit conductors. Cables with smaller conductors and other types and thicknesses of insulation and jackets shall be permitted as flexible connections between the fixed wiring on the car and devices on the car doors or gates, if listed for this use.
(c) Flexible cords and cables that are components of listed equipment and used in circuits operating at 30 volts rms or less or 42 volts dc or less shall be permitted in lengths not to exceed 1.8 m (6 ft) provided the cords and cables are supported and protected from physical damage and are of a jacketed and flame-retardant type.
(d) The following wiring methods shall be permitted on the car assembly in lengths not to exceed 1.8 m (6 ft):
(1) Flexible metal conduit
(2) Liquidtight flexible metal conduit
(3) Flexible cords and cables, or conductors grouped together and taped or corded, shall be permitted to be installed without a raceway. They shall be located to be protected from physical damage and shall be of a flame-retardant type and shall be part of the following:
a. Listed equipment
b. A driving machine, or
c. A driving machine brake
(3) Within Machine Rooms, Control Rooms, and Machinery Spaces and Control Spaces.
(a) Flexible metal conduit, and liquidtight flexible metal conduit of metric designator 12 (trade size 3/8) or larger, not exceeding 1.8 m (6 ft) in length, shall be permitted between control panels and machine motors, machine brakes, motor-generator sets, disconnecting means, and pumping unit motors and valves.
(b) Where motor-generators, machine motors, or pumping unit motors and valves are located adjacent to or underneath control equipment and are provided with extra-length terminal leads not exceeding 1.8 m (6 ft) in length, such leads shall be permitted to be extended to connect directly to controller terminal studs without regard to the carrying-capacity requirements of Articles 430 and 445. Auxiliary gutters shall be permitted in machine and control rooms between controllers, starters, and similar apparatus.
(c) Flexible cords and cables that are components of listed equipment and used in circuits operating at 30 volts rms or less or 42 volts dc or less shall be permitted in lengths not to exceed 1.83 m (6 ft), provided the cords and cables are supported and protected from physical damage and are of a jacketed and flame-retardant type.
(d) On existing or listed equipment, conductors shall also be permitted to be grouped together and taped or corded without being installed in a raceway. Such cable groups shall be supported at intervals not over 900 mm (3 ft) and located so as to be protected from physical damage.
(e) Flexible cords and cables in lengths not to exceed 1.8 m (6 ft) that are of a flame-retardant type and located to be protected from physical damage shall be permitted in these rooms and spaces without being installed in a raceway. They shall be part of the following:
(1) Listed equipment
(2) A driving machine, or
(3) A driving machine brake
(4) Counterweight. The following wiring methods shall be permitted on the counterweight assembly in lengths not to exceed 1.8 m (6 ft):
(1) Flexible metal conduit
(2) Liquidtight flexible metal conduit
(3) Flexible cords and cables, or conductors grouped together and taped or corded, shall be permitted to be installed without a raceway. They shall be located to be protected from physical damage, shall be of a flame-retardant type, and shall be part of the following:
a. Listed equipment
b. A driving machine, or
c. A driving machine brake
(B) Escalators.
(1) Wiring Methods. Flexible metal conduit or liquidtight flexible metal conduit shall be permitted in escalator and moving walk wellways. Flexible metal conduit or liquidtight flexible conduit of metric designator 12 (trade size 3/8) shall be permitted in lengths not in excess of 1.8 m (6 ft).
(2) Class 2 Circuit Cables. Cables used in Class 2 power-limited circuits shall be permitted to be installed within escalators and moving walkways, provided the cables are supported and protected from physical damage and are of a jacketed and flame- retardant type.
(3) Flexible Cords. Hard-service cords that conform to the requirements of Article 400 (Table 400.4) shall be permitted as flexible connections on escalators and moving walk control panels and disconnecting means where the entire control panel and disconnecting means are arranged for removal from machine spaces as permitted in 620.5.
(C) Platform Lifts and Stairway Chairlift Raceways.
(1) Wiring Methods. Flexible metal conduit or liquidtight flexible metal conduit shall be permitted in platform lifts and stairway chairlift runways and machinery spaces. Flexible metal conduit or liquidtight flexible conduit of metric designator 12 (trade size 3/8) shall be permitted in lengths not in excess of 1.8 m (6 ft).
(2) Class 2 Circuit Cables. Cables used in Class 2 power-limited circuits shall be permitted to be installed within platform lifts and stairway chairlift runways and machinery spaces, provided the cables are supported and protected from physical damage and are of a jacketed and flame-retardant type.
(3) Flexible Cords and Cables. Flexible cords and cables that are components of listed equipment and used in circuits operating at 30 volts rms or less or 42 volts dc or less shall be permitted in lengths not to exceed 1.83 m (6 ft) provided the cords and cables are supported and protected from physical damage and are of a jacketed and flame-retardant type.”
(Added Coun. J. 9-6-17, p. 55278, Art. I, § 1)
The provisions of Article 640 of NFPA 70 are adopted by reference with the following modifications.
1. Revise subsection 640.3(B) to read, with no exceptions or notes:
“Ducts, Plenums, and Other Air-Handling Spaces. Section 300.22(B) shall apply to circuits and equipment installed in ducts specifically fabricated for environmental air. Section 300.22(C) shall apply to circuits and equipment installed in other spaces used for environmental air (plenums).”
2. Revise subsection 640.23 to read:
“Conduit or Tubing. The number of conductors permitted in a single conduit or tubing shall not exceed the percentage fill specified in Table 1, Chapter 9.”
3. Revise subsection 640.24 to read:
“Wireways, Gutters, and Auxiliary Gutters. The use of metallic wireways, gutters, and auxiliary gutters shall be permitted for use with audio signal conductors and shall comply with applicable articles with respect to permitted locations, construction, and fill.”
(Added Coun. J. 9-6-17, p. 55278, Art. I, § 1)
The provisions of Article 645 of NFPA 70 are adopted by reference with the following modifications:
1. Revise subsection 645.3(B) to read:
“Plenums. Section 300.22(C) shall apply to wiring and cabling in other spaces used for environmental air (plenums) in or above an information technology equipment room.”
2. Revise subsection 645.5(E) to read:
“Under Raised Floors. Power cables, communications cables, connecting cables, interconnecting cables, cord-and-plug connections, and receptacles associated with the information technology equipment shall be permitted under a raised floor, provided the following conditions are met:
(1) The raised floor is of approved construction, and the area under the floor is accessible.
(2) The branch-circuit supply conductors to receptacles or field-wired equipment are in rigid metal conduit, intermediate metal conduit, electrical metallic tubing, metal wireway, surface metal raceway with metal cover, flexible metal conduit, liquidtight flexible metal conduit, and associated metallic boxes or enclosures as permitted in Chapter 3. These supply conductors shall be installed in accordance with the requirements of 300.11.
(3) Ventilation in the underfloor area is used for the information technology equipment room only, except as provided in 645.4(2). The ventilation system shall be so arranged, with approved smoke detection devices, that upon the detection of fire or products of combustion in the underfloor space, the circulation of air will cease.
(5)* Openings in the raised floor for cords and cables protect cords and cables against abrasion and minimize the entrance of debris beneath the floor.
* Editor's note – As numbered in Coun. J. 9-6-17, p. 55278, § 1. Future legislation will correct the provision if needed.
(6) Cables, other than those covered in 645.5(E)(2) and (E)(3), are one of the following:
a. Listed DP cable having adequate fire-resistant characteristics suitable for use under raised floors of an information technology equipment room.
b. Interconnecting cables enclosed in a raceway.
c. Equipment grounding conductors
Informational Note: One method of defining fire resistance is by establishing that the cables do not spread fire to the top of the tray in the “UL Flame Exposure, Vertical Tray Flame Test” in UL 1685-2011, Standard for Safety for Vertical-Tray Fire-Propagation and Smoke-Release Test for Electrical and Optical-Fiber Cables. The smoke measurements in the test method are not applicable.
Another method of defining fire resistance is for the damage (char length) not to exceed 1.5 m (4 ft 11 in.) when performing the CSA “Vertical Flame Test – Cables in Cable Trays,” as described in CSA C22.2 No. 0.3-M-2001, Test Methods for Electrical Wires and Cables.”
(Added Coun. J. 9-6-17, p. 55278, Art. I, § 1)