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(a) Fire-resistive door and shutter assemblies for specific conditions of use in the “Fire Protection Equipment List”, Underwriters' Laboratories, Inc., January, 1959, shall be acceptable as meeting the requirements of this section.
(b) Nothing in this section shall preclude the use of other opening protective assemblies meeting the required test standards.
(Prior code § 65-5.6)
Where fire-resistive windows are required by this Code, the fire-resistive values of such windows shall be determined by test procedure. The required time- temperature curve and method of testing shall be similar to that required for fire doors and shutters in Section 15-12-070. The duration of test on fire windows shall be not less than 45 minutes and shall include a hose-stream test.
(Prior code § 65-6.2)
(a) Test assemblies shall be truly representative as to material, workmanship of the construction and details, including installation, glass size, method of closing, hardware, trim and finish.
(b) The fire-resistive rating derived from the test shall be assumed to apply to all like assemblies smaller in dimension and area than the test specimen and to larger sizes not exceeding the area of the test specimen by more than 25 percent.
(Prior code § 65-6.3)