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(a) Test Procedure. Where fire-resistive ratings of building materials and construction are required in this Code, such fire-resistive ratings shall be determined by the test procedures and conditions of acceptance prescribed in the following documents:
Standard Methods of Fire Tests of Building Construction and Materials, ASTM Designation: E119-1958.
Fire-retardant wood ASTM E-84 (30 minutes) and ASTM 1-2898 (exposure to weather).
(b) Approved Materials and Construction.
(1) Materials and construction listed in either of the following documents for specific fire-resistant ratings shall be acceptable as meeting the requirements of this Code:
Fire Endurance of Open-Web Steel-Joist Floors with Concrete Slabs and Gypsum Ceilings – USDC – NBS – Building Materials and Structures, Report 141 – issued August 23, 1954. Combustible Contents in Buildings – USDC – NBS – Building Materials and Structures, Report 149 – issued July 25, 1957.
Fire-Resistance and Sound-Insulation Ratings for Walls, Partitions, and Floors – USDC – NBS – Technical Report on Building Materials 44.
National Building Code of the National Board of Fire Underwriters, 1955 Edition, Appendix A and December 1957 Amendments to the 1955 Edition of the National Building Code.
Fire-resistance ratings as listed in the Fire Resistance Design Manual, Tenth Edition, as published by the Gypsum Association, are incorporated by reference and may be referred to as herein listed.
(2) Nothing in this section shall preclude the use of other materials and construction meeting the required test standards.
(Prior code § 65-4; Amend Coun. J. 8-7-85, p. 18993)
Opening protective assemblies as applied to the requirements for doors or shutters shall include such doors or shutters together with their frames, hardware and other accessories essential to the fire-resistive rating of the assembly.
(Prior code § 65-5.1)
Where fire-resistive door and shutter assemblies are required by this Code, the fire-resistive values of such assemblies and their classification shall be determined by the test procedure and the conditions of acceptance prescribed in the following document: Methods of Fire Tests of Door Assemblies – ASTM Designation: E152-56T.
(Prior code § 65-5.2)