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All flammable liquid tanks in use may be tested in accordance with Section 15-24-280 whenever the fire commissioner deems necessary.
(Prior code § 129.1-22.1; Amend Coun. J. 5-18-16, p. 24131, § 144)
Storage in Containers. The storage of flammable liquids within buildings shall be as given in this paragraph; provided, however, that in a special room for flammable liquids, unlimited quantities of Class II or III flammable liquids may be stored therein as provided in Section 15-24-410 of this Code.
(a) In Buildings of Type IVA or IVB Construction. Class I or II liquids, in sealed containers of safety cans of not more than one gallon capacity, not exceeding a total of five gallons. Class III liquids, maximum limit of any tank or container, 60 gallons to a maximum aggregate amount of 60 gallons except as otherwise permitted in Sections 15-24-170, 15-24-270 and 15-24-280 of this Code.
(b) In Other Buildings. Class I liquids, in sealed containers or safety cans not more than one gallon capacity, not exceeding a total of ten gallons. Class II liquids in sealed containers or safety cans of not more than five gallons capacity or in barrels, drums or tanks not more than 60 gallons capacity, to a maximum aggregate amount of 60 gallons. Class III liquids in sealed containers of not more than five gallons capacity, in barrels, drums and tanks not exceeding 120 gallons capacity to a maximum aggregate amount of 120 gallons, except as otherwise permitted in Sections 15-24-170, 15-24-270 and 15-24-280 of this Code.
(c) Whenever the amount of flammable liquid stored in a building exceeds the limits in subitems (a) or (b) given above, the excess flammable liquid shall be stored in a special room for flammable liquids.
(d) Paint and Lettering. Portable containers of a capacity of ten gallons or less, used for storing Class I flammable liquids, shall be painted red, or shall be painted with a conspicuous band or stripe of red. Such containers shall be conspicuously lettered in black with the following words: “Dangerous – Keep Lights and Fires Away”. Portable containers, used for storing Class III flammable liquids shall be painted blue, or shall be painted with a conspicuous band or stripe of blue. Such containers shall be conspicuously lettered in white with the following words: “Dangerous – Keep Light and Fire Away”.
Storage Cabinets. Where the total quantity of flammable liquids stored is more than ten gallons and less than 50 gallons, and no individual container exceeds five gallons capacity, storage cabinets constructed as follows shall be required: bottom, top and sides of cabinet shall be made of sheet iron, not less than No. 18 gauge in thickness. Said cabinet shall be double walled, with not less than one and one-half inches air space. Joints shall be riveted or welded. Doors shall be of a construction equivalent to walls and shall be provided with a three-joint lock. Door sill shall be raised not less than two inches above the bottom of the cabinet. The cabinet shall be conspicuously labeled in red letters: “Flammable – Keep Fire Away”.
(Prior code § 129.1-23)
All containers, tanks and other equipment used for the storage or use of flammable liquids and all buildings and premises wherein the same are stored or used shall be constructed and maintained in accordance with the provisions of this chapter.
Every container or tank for flammable liquids of a capacity of 60 gallons or more, either aboveground or within a building, and the premises and equipment used for the storage or handling of flammable liquids by any person subject to license under this chapter, shall be inspected by the fire commissioner at least once each year.
(Prior code § 129.1-24; Amend Coun. J. 5-18-16, p. 24131, § 145)
All flammable liquids, flammable liquid compounds or flammable liquid mixtures, offered for sale at retail in containers shall be conspicuously marked or labeled “flammable” in easily legible type, which is in contrast by typography, layout or color with any other printed matter on the label. Labels shall not be required on beverages, articles of food or drugs, when the container is labeled in accordance with the regulations of the Interstate Commerce Commission or Department of Transportation or when the container is labeled in accordance with the Federal Hazardous Substances Labeling Act and Regulations.
(Prior code § 129.1-25)
A container shall not exceed 60 gallons individual capacity and shall be made of metal or approved plastic, except that within buildings:
(a) Plastic or glass containers having an individual capacity of not more than one pint may be used for Class I, II or III flammable liquids.
(b) Nonreusable plastic containers larger than one pint, but not more than one gallon, may be used for Class II and Class III liquids in common consumer products, such as, floor care compounds, charcoal lighter and paint thinner.
(c) Nonreusable plastic containers bearing Federal D.O.T. or other approval agency markings, having an individual capacity of more than a pint, but not more than two and one-half gallons, stored in buildings and areas with automatic sprinkler systems, as required in Section 15-16, Article I of this Code, may be used for flammable liquids other than Class I.
(d) Plastic or glass containers having an individual capacity of not more than one gallon, may be used for medicines, beverages, foodstuffs and toiletries that are flammable liquids.
(e) Plastic or glass containers having an individual capacity of not more than one gallon, may be used in laboratories for flammable liquids whose chemical purity would be contaminated by metal containers.
(Prior code § 129.1-26; Added Coun. J. 6-20-84, p. 7832)