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Any lighting in a standard fireproof vault shall be by electricity only. The light shall be controlled by an indicating switch located on the outside of the vault. All such lights shall be equipped with wire guards, keyless sockets, and vaporproof globes.
(Prior code § 129.1-31)
Every standard fireproof vault shall have a vent flue or window opening directly to the outer air. Such vent flue termination or window shall be located not less than ten feet measured vertically or five feet measured horizontally from any fire door or fire window, or not less than 20 feet measured vertically, or ten feet measured horizontally, from any unprotected opening. Such window or vent flue shall have a net open area of not less than five percent of the total wall area in the standard fireproof vault. Nothing in this chapter shall be construed as prohibiting on each floor, vent shaft connections from standard fireproof vaults into one vent shaft; provided, however, that not more than four such vaults on any one floor shall be connected to one such vent shaft. The area of the combined vent shaft shall be of such area as is required to vent the largest of the standard vaults for which said vent shaft provides ventilation. All vent flues or portions of vent flues shall have no inclination from the horizontal of less than 45 degrees. Nothing herein shall be construed as preventing more than one window or vent flue or combination of windows or vent flues to provide the necessary ventilating area. Any such vent flue shall be used for no other purpose than to provide ventilation from standard fireproof vaults. Such vent flue shall be constructed of brick, tile or concrete walls not less than four inches in thickness, and no combustible material shall be used in the construction or support of flues. Any vent flue opening in a standard fireproof vault shall be in the ceiling or as close as practicable to the ceiling. The unobstructed opening into the atmosphere shall be not less in area than the area of the vent flues. Every vent flue furnishing the required ventilation shall be equipped with not less than a 60-minute fire-resistive door which shall be held normally closed, and such fire door shall have as its actuating mechanism a thermostatic releasing device to open the door. Such a door in the vent flue shall be so arranged that when the door is opened, the entire required area of the vent flue shall be available for ventilation purposes. All required windows shall be so provided with thermostatic releasing devices that a fire or an explosion in the vault shall cause such windows to open for the entire required ventilation area.
(Prior code § 129.1-32)
In any special room for flammable liquids, the door openings to other rooms or buildings shall be provided with noncombustible sills, raised not less than six inches above the floor or such special room. Where the total quantity of Class I liquids stored or handled in any room, does not exceed 200 gallons, such room shall have floors, walls and ceilings of not less than one-hour fire-resistive construction. Floors shall be arranged to drain toward the outside of the building. Where the total quantity of Class I flammable liquids stored or handled in any rooms exceeds 200 gallons, but does not exceed 400 gallons, all floors, walls and ceilings of such room shall be of not less than two-hour fire-resistive construction. Where the total quantity of Class I flammable liquids stored or used exceeds 400 gallons, but does not exceed 600 gallons, the floors, walls and ceilings of such room shall be of not less than three- hour fire-resistive construction. Where the total quantity of Class I flammable liquids stored or used exceeds 600 gallons, the floors, walls and ceilings of such room shall be of not less than four-hour fire-resistive construction.
Outside storage houses for the storage and handling of flammable liquids shall be constructed in accordance with this section. All door openings through the enclosures of such rooms into other rooms or buildings, shall have fire doors as required by Chapter 15-12 of this Code for such fire-resistive walls. The provisions of this paragraph do not apply to fuel oil storage tanks otherwise permitted by Section 15-24-270. Ventilation as required by Section 15-24-400 shall be provided.
(Prior code § 129.1-33)
Unless otherwise specified in the building provisions of this Code, oils, paints, varnishes and similar fluids having a flashpoint above 200 degrees Fahrenheit, according to the standard tests for flashpoint, shall, if stored in any building used for other purposes, in quantities exceeding ten barrels aggregate, be placed in approved metal tanks, and shall be drawn only by the use of approved pumps or other approved devices. Quantities less than ten barrels aggregate may be stored in barrels, or ordinary tanks, and if drawn on the premises, suitable drip pans shall be provided to catch the drips. Boxes of sawdust shall not be used for the purpose. The premises surrounding such tanks shall be kept clean at all times. Any absorbents used to clean flammable liquid spills shall be approved by a nationally recognized testing laboratory.
(Prior code § 129.1-34)
Closed containers stored outside in the open shall be of a type meeting the regulations of the Interstate Commerce Commission or Department of Transportation or as herein required. No more than 40 drums (55 gallon capacity per drum) of Class I flammable liquids shall be stored per pile and the pile shall be located at least 40 feet from the nearest building; except that the pile can be located ten feet from the nearest building located on the same premises and under the same management. No more than 80 drums (55 gallon capacity per drum) of Class II flammable liquids shall be stored per pile and the pile shall be located at least 30 feet from the nearest building; except that, the pile can be located ten feet from the nearest building located on the same premises and under the same management. Provided, however, where closed container drum storage on the premises is for resale only with no use other than repackaging the maximum amount of Class I flammable liquids stored per pile may be not more than 120 drums and not more than 160 drums for Class II flammable liquids. A minimum distance of five feet shall be maintained between all piles of Class I and/or Class II flammable liquids. There shall be a 12-foot wide access road within 200 feet of each container. If equipped with a deluge- type sprinkler system, the size of the piles can be doubled and all safety clearances reduced by one half. All storage shall be located so that runoff due to leakage is not toward any structure.
(Prior code § 129.1-35)
Where the working pressure is less than 100 pounds, all pipe used in systems for transferring and venting of flammable liquids shall be of the standard full weight, ANSI Schedule ten wrought iron, steel, stainless steel, brass type pipe, Type K copper tube or copper pipe. All pipe shall be connected with standard malleable fittings or welded. Copper tubing shall be connected with flare joints or sweat fittings employing solder having a melting point of 1,000 degrees Fahrenheit or more. Where the working pressure is in the excess of 100 pounds per square inch, extra heavy wrought steel pipe (ASTM Schedule 80) and fittings shall be used. All aboveground piping shall be rigidly supported. Swing joints shall be made with butt or close nipples. Cast iron fittings shall not be permitted. Underwriters' Laboratories, Inc. listed expansion joints or flexible underground pipe connectors not exceeding 24 inches in length shall be permitted. No flexible underground pipe connector shall be connected to any impact check valve or within five feet of any remote pumping dispenser.
(Prior code § 129.1-36; Amend Coun. J. 2-7-96, p. 15463)
Test for Pipe. All standard full weight wrought iron, steel, stainless steel, brass type pipe, Type K copper tube or copper pipe and fittings shall be tested hydrostatically utilizing water or air tested when installed to 100 psi. Extra heavy wrought steel pipe (ASTM Schedule 80) and fittings shall be tested hydrostatically utilizing water or air tested when installed to one and one-half times its maximum working pressure. The air test shall be held for ten minutes without any loss of pressure. Suction lines may be tested under a vacuum of not less than 20 inches of mercury. Underground and enclosed tank vent pipes may be tested with said tank equal to tank pressure, and not less than five psi.
(Prior code § 129.1-37)