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Subdivision 403 – High-Rise buildings
13-76-010 Scope of provisions.
13-76-020 Automatic sprinkler system.
13-76-021 Standpipe system.
13-76-030 Fire command panel.
13-76-040 Smoke detection.
13-76-050 Voice communication systems.
13-76-060 Mechanical ventilation.
13-76-070 Stairwell door locking devices.
13-76-075 Stairwell identification.
13-76-076 Area of rescue assistance identification.
13-76-080 Emergency electrical systems.
13-76-090 Reserved.
13-76-100 Construction.
13-76-101 Sprayed fire-resistant materials.
13-76-105 Atruims.
13-76-110 Plans submitted for approval to include drawings.
13-76-120 Fire protection system – Annual test required.
13-76-130 Fire department emergency access elevator.
13-76-140 Reserved.
13-76-150 Penalty for violation.
13-76-160 Severability.
The automatic sprinkler system shall be provided with a two-source water supply when the building exceeds 300 feet above grade.
(Prior code § 62.1-2; Amend Coun. J. 9-6-17, p. 55278, Art. VII, § 2)
High rise buildings shall be equipped with a standpipe in accordance with 15-16-090.
(Added Coun. J. 9-6-17, p. 55278, Art. VII, § 3)
A fire command panel shall be provided in a location approved by the Fire Department. It shall contain the following listed facilities:
(a) Fire detection system panel annunciated visually and audibly for each individual floor;
(b) Status indicators for air handling systems;
(c) Status indicator and controls for elevators, or where elevator control panel is provided containing required indicators and controls, that panel must be in close proximity to the fire command panel as approved by the fire commissioner;
(d) Sprinkler valves and sprinkler water flow detector indicators, annunciated for each individual zone;
(e) Emergency power status indicator;
(f) Exit stairwell door unlocking system;
(g) Voice communication system panels and equipment.
(Prior code § 62.1-3; Amend Coun. J. 11-9-16, p. 36266, § 16; Amend Coun. J. 9-6-17, p. 55278, Art. VII, § 4)