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13-78-010 Definitions.
13-78-020 Buildings categorized by height.
13-78-030 Mixed-occupancy high-rise buildings.
13-78-040 Creation and filing of plan.
13-78-050 Required designated personnel.
13-78-060 Required designated personnel – On- site presence.
13-78-070 Required designated personnel – Duties.
13-78-080 Minimum plan requirements.
13-78-090 Safety drills.
13-78-100 Distribution of information.
13-78-110 Enforcement, rules and regulations, and penalties.
For purposes of this chapter, the following terms shall be defined as follows:
(a) “Emergency preparedness certificate” or “certificate” is a certificate issued by the fire department upon receipt of: (1) adequate proof that the applicant for the certificate is able and qualified to assume the duties required; and (2) proof of payment to the department of finance of a fee adequate to cover administrative costs. Such certificate shall be valid for one year from the date of issuance, and shall be renewable annually.
(b) “Emergency” is the existence of a condition or the occurrence of an event within, upon or near a high- rise building, which poses a direct and immediate threat to occupant life and necessitates the deployment of fire department resources for purposes of its mitigation. “Emergency” does not include a medical emergency affecting a single individual.
(c) “High-rise building” or “building” is any new or existing structure over eighty (80) feet above grade, which is also of occupancy classification A (residential), C (assembly), D (open air assembly unit), E (business), F (mercantile), or G (industrial), as further defined in Chapter 13-56 of this Code.
“Non-residential high-rise building” or “non- residential building” is a high-rise building of occupancy classification C, D, E, F or G.
“Residential high-rise building” or “residential building” is a high-rise building of occupancy classification A.
(d) “Occupant” is any person present within a high-rise building. “Occupant” shall include building staff, tenants and visitors.
“Regular occupant” is every occupant except for occasional visitors who are not present in the building on a regular basis and whose presence in the building cannot be predicted.
(e) “Owner” includes the owner, manager, agent or other person in charge, possession or control of a high-rise building. Where an owner is in charge, possession or control of only a portion of a building, the requirements of this Chapter applicable to owners shall apply only to that portion.
(f) “Plan” is a written emergency evacuation plan for occupant emergency evacuation and drill, prepared and maintained in compliance with this Chapter.
(Added Coun. J. 10-31-01, p. 71184, § 1; Amend Coun. J. 11-16-11, p. 13798, Art. I, § 10)
High-rise buildings subject to this chapter shall be categorized as follows, according to building height above grade:
Category 1 – Over 780 feet
Category 2 – Over 540 feet, up to and including 780 feet
Category 3 – Over 275 feet, up to and including 540 feet
Category 4 – 80 feet and over, up to and including 275 feet
(Added Coun. J. 10-31-01, p. 71183, § 1)
With respect to a high-rise building that has both residential and non-residential occupancy, the residential portion(s) of such building shall be governed by those provisions of this chapter applicable to residential high-rise buildings, and the non-residential portion(s) of such building shall be governed by those provisions of this chapter applicable to non-residential high-rise buildings.
(Added Coun. J. 10-31-01, p. 71184, § 1)